the other week i was at school riding at dinner, and my front hose decided to loosen, so lost my front brake.....(and other time i went to school at dinner crank arm fell off). anyway......tried at lbs with oil...they were cack and so attempted to bleed with water.....1st off, so much easier....., 2nd, i was thanking god that there wasnt a leak anywhere, and 3rd when i set it up....holy lord, i was so impressed,, my guess is that oil can compress so feels squiggie, yet water doesnt compress so its just on and off???? it feels so much better, im thinking of doing my back brake for the summer. any downsides to water? can it mess your brakes? i wouldnt think so if theres no air getting in as it needs oxygen to rust.
oh yes, and i tried tar on my back rim.....i had so much faith in my back brake then!!! gotta get me some.
:blink: :huh: :P (Y)