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Everything posted by rocktrials

  1. rocktrials


    Hi 5 JT! *smack* (Y)
  2. rocktrials


    yeah, your right, so its not exactly a riddle at all..... its obvious.....they pay £10 each =£30, she gives them £1 back, so they are paying £9, and theres £2 left which she takes!!!!
  3. wooo rammstein, very cool song!!!! nice riding too.
  4. nice one mate, i cant do that height yet, well i bottle (lol) out. tips.....get more guts to go bigger haha.
  5. yep.very entetaining. my friends dad was bringing us home through sheffield, and the speed camera flashed us, and everything went pink, but i think that was a fake camera cause he neevr got anything for speeding.
  6. yes i know that is how speed is worked out.....just wasnt sure on how they do that by gunning the car, but biketrialler said. i know all the places around my area where the potential speed gun men are, so im alright (even though not 17 yet - 1 week wooo) snoooper!!!!!!!
  7. reg plate surely???? but they might just be checking speed limits on that road etc....but i beleive they would be able to capture the reg plate and post letter. i think they work by calculating how much distance is covered in a certain of time???? some how.
  8. yeah but dan, batman cant fly, he can glide though (Y)
  9. sweet vid craig, was that part near tesco the area where theres also a msaavie 2 floor saisnburys???? going massive!!!!
  10. the best thing to learn about in history gcse is the american west topic, cowboys and indians wooooooo.
  11. rocktrials


    you would, dolphin lover :)
  12. rocktrials


    haha yeah i saw that, and hey rich 9 (almost 8) days to our birthday whoooop!!!!!!
  13. like that first pic, (i had idea before i saw it) an pannier on the front which has the engine on, and a belt running down to the hub with a cog......however cog on front wont fit? do it on the back then....and somehow get (if ur single speed) another cog on the hub, which holds your engine powered chain.....powering the rear.......and u can still pedal if you want.......the pannier would be easy to take off, with the engine fixed to it, and just undo the chain???? or tie to the frame lol
  14. rocktrials


    from another source:
  15. rocktrials


  16. rocktrials


    read this this girl sent me this link, and although quite interesting to read, it is very sick!!!! :) thoughts? ZOOPHILIA
  17. yea you got it, its only 10minutes from me, so i'll probably go a few times, shame i cant drive on my own yet (Y) nevermind.....might meet some riders down there....and yeah i think that skeleton is like a sheep or summit, looks bit bigger than a pheasant haha
  18. no point making AS-A2 thread, so maybe change title???? i had AS history this afternoon, was crapping it as i hadnt revising everything, but it seemed to go pretty darn good. (Y)
  19. will post some up whens it finished. (Y) and cheers.
  20. thats the technique i did, escept, i did take my brake off and submerge it in water.....so there is absolutely no way for air to get in as both exntrance's and exit's are surround by water, just pump the water in until no air comes out, then tighten bolts back on underwater (Y)
  21. woooo found a pic.... another....all around the same area (morlands)
  22. yeah...kinda.... map map closer closer still i dont exactly know where it is on the map, the exact place....but travel round that area and theres rocks everywhere.
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