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mr ailsbury

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Everything posted by mr ailsbury

  1. great video guys (Y) you should shorten some of the clips down a bit though.... great songs aswell :D ToM :P
  2. ok people, heres a little vid me(t-pro) and Tom Brackenbury (ZOO! Python) made when we went down to cleethorpes. Nothing too serious just a bit of fun really :) song: greenday - holiday LINKAGE cheers, ToM (Y)
  3. me (t-pro) and tom brackenbury (zoo! python) are up for a ride tommorow oats we will get in touch with chris (cooke) and we can come meet you (Y)
  4. yeah come on people!! get you arses down to cleethorpes so we can get a massive ride on the go (Y) :- :D :P :- :) ToM
  5. yeah its been mega :- just gotta get a new chain after that unfortunate gap today and ill be ok tommorow :">
  6. anybody else up for a ride in cleethorpes cometime during the week? :shifty:"
  7. yeah we should have posted there really but tom has 2 vaginas for eyes so he couldn't read what section of the forum he was in :shifty: :P
  8. mr ailsbury


    james and billy, me and tom are coming down cleethorpes today! if your ridin at all this week! and any other riders that want to trek down for a ride, post on here let us know! tom n tom
  9. mr ailsbury


    I think thats a great idea :deej: could be a lot of fun :deej: :( ToM :bunny:
  10. Don't keep nicking them from the same place or they'll notice and get security guards out and about checking that none have gone :deej: nick one or two from wilco's and stash emm somewhere then try tesco, then sainsburys etc etc until u have enough :bunny: ToM
  11. Hi guys, The chain on my T-Pro keeps jumping off the teeth randomly when im pedaling along and i dont know whats causing it because i have my chain at the right tension etc and its really getting on my nerves!!! :bunny: Have any of you lot had the same problem or do you have any advice on how i could fix the problem? cheers, ToM
  12. tarty 4th one down :wink2: ToM
  13. does anyone on here have "The Faint - Southern Belles In London" and if they do could they send it to me on msn please as im having trouble getting hold of it! my email is tomtrials@hotmail.com iff anyone can please send it to me (Y) ToM
  14. liked the vid man :D your bike looks luuuurvly (Y) whats the song you used? ToM
  15. the song is escape artists never die by funeral for a friend.... you should come ride hanly or newcastle or somwhere with us some time, add me on msn (tomtrials@hotmail.com) and we can maybe orgonise somthing :S ToM
  16. why is sidehopping to the same side as your kicking foot ''wrong''???? :blink: ToM
  17. we are all running KMC kool chains but daves running some other crappy ass chain on his koxx
  18. the mega upload thing doesnt work for me either I just happened to be in it so i seen it :D oh yeah and the video won't go on eengay because the file is miles above the limit. (Y)
  19. first song is element 80 - echo song and the second song is HIM - the sacrament (Y) nice one day day :- much better than that last trials of newcastle one you made (Y) hehe ToM
  20. that was amazing :sick: (Y) how the hell do you manage to get up a car from hangin on the window hole thingy!?!?!?! :) :P (Y) and that ledge he rode along!! oh my god i dont think i'd even want to stand on that let alone ride along it!! ToM
  21. Right guys we're orgonising a ride in Hanly (stoke on trent) on saturday the 16th of July and if anybody on here wants to come they're welcome to. Let me know on here if your coming :P I will decide meeting time/place and post on here after talking over with my mates where is best once we know how many are coming. ToM :-
  22. I cant afford one at the moment (Y) so I think i'll just attach a wristwatch and some fishing weights to a tennisball for the time being :- they do look really cool though... ToM
  23. just thought people may have found it enteraining thats all
  24. We made a little mess around video from our year 11 leavers ball last night and i thought i'd put it up to show you a bit of what we got up to :( linky to leavers ball vid comments welcome :( ToM
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