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mr ailsbury

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Everything posted by mr ailsbury

  1. Now all you need to do is to make a really cheesy starwars/trials adventure movie now and post it on here B) lol ToM :-
  2. somthing to do with a black and white trials film maybe :- or just film noir or somthing B)
  3. yeah get the pro, don't even look at a T-Mag though, even weaker than the pro my mate broke his in like 2 months
  4. :---> QUOTE(danny B @ Nov 2 2005, 02:22 PM) ← dnt give me that i lived in stoke all my life there are loads of different places to ride that are better :blink: very true! N :lol: ice for a change of scenery though :P ToM
  5. Could somebody please upload it on eengoedidee or somewhere because no where but megaupload will let me put a video on :blink: thanky :lol: ToM
  6. cheers for the comments guys :lol: (Y)
  7. oh ok (Y) does the link work ok for evryone else?
  8. how come you can't download? doesn't the link work?
  9. Hi guys, heres my new video LINKAGE Its 3 mins 13 seconds long and the song is Lost Prophets - burn burn Sorry its on MegaUpload. If somebody wants to put it on eengoedidee of tv.isg for me then feel free :D cheers, ToM
  10. I have both and X-Box is the clear winner and ps2 absolutly suck ass, I have a GameCube aswell which i think are also really cool lol :P ToM Because new members only have one little forum and iff they guy who made this topic was a fulll member he could put it in chit chat :D
  11. half an hour in the car :( well it took us half an hour get from hanly to crewe straight down all the main roads and stuff so doesn't take too long. :- ToM
  12. Is Hanley forest park the one near stoke college or is it the one right up at the top of hanly past the potteries centre? ;) looks good anyways! might treck up on saturday or somthing :P Tom ;)
  13. Well that was a bit good wasn't it (Y) (Y) keep up the brilliant riding (Y) ToM
  14. Hi, I'm getting a Trek Bruiser 1 for christmas and I need to know about frame sizes. The frame comes in 14 inch and 16 inch and I need to know which one would suit me better... I've ridden a 14 inch bruiser and I liked it alot but I'm 6 foot tall so I'm wondering whether a 16 inch frame would be better? or doesn't it matter really? cheers for any help :) ToM
  15. I liked the music :lol: editing wasn't the worst but could of been better.... quite big moves aswell but you could have made alot more out of those lines like when you gapped to that big pipe you could have sidehopped up that concrete block next to it not a bad video though, ToM
  16. The 05 echo control rides like sex! they're £299 on tarty bikes (Y) I'd go for that if I was you because of the fact that they ride so damn nice!, Very light aswell. The Onza T-Rex could also be a good choice aswell because they also ride like the sex, not too heavy either and are only £249 off tarty. ToM
  17. mint riding, mint song, mint editing well done ^_^ Very impressive for how old you are mate :) ToM p.s. whats the song called? am sure i've got it somewhere but cant remember what it is lol
  18. They ride ok but they're really short and very weak, my mate hasn't had his long and its got a big crack in it now, he's only a beginner aswell so doesn't go big at all on it. TOM :ermm:
  19. I don't usually but iff its really expensive I pay half or somthing like I had my t-pro last christmas and I payed £200 and my parents payed £200 for it
  20. jessuuusss titttyyy f**kinnnnnn psyco man :blink: really nice vid there Neil!!! (Y) ToM :)
  21. No i'm running 16 tooth acs 12 on the back
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