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mr ailsbury

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Everything posted by mr ailsbury

  1. When I did mine I talked about 20 inch bikes and 26 inch bikes and the differances, talked about saftey gear, helmets/shin pads/gloves, talked about comps and the rules, printed off riding pics to pass around then showed them a few video's, also took in gloves and helmet to pass around aswell. I also passed around hand outs with website addresses like cleanbikes, cls's site, my site, tarty etc etc. I bumped my marks up from an E to a B+ with doing my talk like that Dan so go with that kinda stuff and you'll be fine :huh: I seem to remember them not being too happy about me wanting to go outside and do tricks aswell and told me leave it out of the talk so I just took my bike in the classroom and let them have a look at it which is why I used video's instead to show them actual riding which got me higher marks than a demo! Much love, Tom xxxx
  2. if you expected it then why you complaining? :huh:
  3. cool! asny news on when they will be out?
  4. As the title says? Is there any more information on the tensile freewheel? when will it be out? performance? price? how many teeth will it be available with? 16, 17, 18 etc? cheers, ToM
  5. Hindenberg, The (noun) When you have sex with a very large woman on the 3rd floor or higher, wait until she falls asleep, set her on fire, and throw her out the window. Raspberry Ripple (noun) After oral sex, the male cums in the female's face and then punches her in the nose; the mix of blood and seamen being similar in appereance to that of raspberry ripple. Red Light, Green Light (noun) Pull up to a red light next to an attractive young female. Begin furiously masturbating and try to cum before the light turns green, and show it to her for proof. lmfao!!!!oneoneone!
  6. maybe about £400 ish just get up to cdc and buy yourself a t-rex for £500 when you sell it >_<
  7. maybe a new chain because the gu is longer? not sure if it makes any differance though so don't go out and buy one right away until you see if the one you have fits...
  8. I'm thinking if getting somthing pierced but i don't know what.... so lets see pictures of yours? :S ToM
  9. You sure its called graz because the only graz vid i have only has koxx riders in and no song :S
  10. yep now lets all have a big emo kiss and a cuddle and leave it at that...... except emery because we don't love him :S
  11. any clips of his doing the can thing or the backflip or anything??? would be really cool to see! ToM :S
  12. I think emo people actually look pretty cool the hair n piercings etc and there are some pretty hot emo girls but arn't much for the tight trousers :S and we all know emery got tured on by that emo kissing video thats why hes being a gay... :)
  13. http:// s7.in visionfree.com/Trials_Domination/index.php :ermm: :ermm: :lol: sorry wrong link ^^^ thats the right one me thinks when you type it into the address bar you have to take the spaces out because when i tried to put it as a link on here it kept changing to the normal tf site :P
  14. new trials forum?????? my mate just showed me this saying its the ''new version'' of trials-forum??? whats the deal with it? have i missed something lol/? :ermm: ToM
  15. I only usually find that I can't ride when I have a few days off because my whole body goes into lazy mode and I just feel like sleeping all the time :) Just go out for half an hour and have a real power ride on your own with your mp3 player. I can ride when my body's frigged but if i go out when i can't really be arsed or I don't feel like i can do anything i ride shite. I need to get in the mood to ride properly, wack some crazy vids ( i reccomend somthing with craig, tunni or porter in it :P ) on before you go out to get your adrenaline going and get some energetic music on your mp3 player to keep you pumped, then go out and ride your arse off..... thats what i do anyways (Y) ToM (Y)
  16. s**t college computers won't let me download it :lol: will try again when i get home and edit (Y) ToM EDIT: YOU BEAST! that was pretty damn sexual as per usual! wish i could switch rails :D
  17. I've got a hat like that!!! (Y) cool pics man! I want some snow to ride in! :lol: ToM
  18. ace! least he wasn't having a go at you for riding! :lol:
  19. I think that the 05 leavers felt nice but mine and evryone else that I know that had them has either snapped or cracked a few so I went back to the old ones and i love them!
  20. ride nice but frames are weak as s**t my mate didn't have his long before it cracked (Y)
  21. it doesn't matter in the slightest what you wear really because in the end its your own choice how you choose to dress, I dress in the clothes i feel most compfortable in when riding trials that wont get in the way of what i'm doing and clothes that i think are easy to ride in like fairly tight jeans (too keep them out of the way of my chain , getting caught on stuff etc) and a nackerd old baggy t-shirt (so i can keep cool and move easilly) and pair of trainers (good hard wearing ones so they don't get wrecked quickly but also compfortable) But when i arn't riding I wear my more expensive better looking clothes that i don't want to get wrecked etc. I don't see any problem at all with what people wear because I wear what i like so why can't they? I also prefer my ''gay'' mtb helmet with 10 million air vents and a visor on because i find them more compfortable than piss pots, i found that piss pots made my head itch and i got too hot and ended up getting headaches etc so i got an mtb helmet and i love it, nice and cool, doesn't make my head itch and very compfortable! also I don't see why people say that trials is gay, I ride trials but i also love doing dirt jumping and if I wasn't such a poor b*****d I'd try BMX aswell because I think they all look really cool and are very fun to do! Its like the whole " we hate gay on a tray skater gays that ride bits of wood cus they're gay and i say that they're gay and thats all that matters so nahhh!" that goes on around my area, most skaters that I know appriciate the level of skill trials takes like I appriciate the level of skill that skate boarding takes. Of course you do get the random uncle nob heads thattake the piss out of you but just ignore them and get on with your life! Like if Vincent hermance rode blinged up to the eyes with necklaces and rings in a burberry tracksuit you would't take the piss out of him because he's an amazing top class rider. Even if he was dressed like a big chav! I also get stick off people on motorbikes and in cars aswell saying I should get of my push bike and get a motor *rolls eyes* anyways rant over! cheers, ToM (Y)
  22. I HATE having to fix stuff on my bike! I always get back ache and get really frustrated and stressed out lol
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