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mr ailsbury

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Everything posted by mr ailsbury

  1. why do you have to be a Bam wanna be to like HIM?
  2. that was brilliant, well done I usually don't like vids without music but that really went nice... that brake sounds a reet beast aswell
  3. okay so i got my creative zen micro the other day which i'm really happy with BUT the headphones are crap and they just fall out of my ears so can anyone reccomend any better ones that i could buy to replace them, good quality but not to expensive.. and not the ones that wrap round the outside of your ears, i just want the ones that like sit in... cheers, Tom
  4. I think Koxx browns are the best to be honest, nice sharp grind and set up well and they'll work a treat, used a pair of mine for around a year then gave them to a mate and he used them for a few months before they finally wore out... I tried koxx reds and they work pretty well in the dry but shite in the wet, they wear down quite quickly aswell.. some days they work great and others i might aswell not have a back brake... deffinatly use koxx browns!
  5. could wack it on 18 tooth for trecking long distance so you dont get as fooped then when your doing trials put it to 16... looks pretty cool
  6. I agree sort of, though it is funny to watch them try and pull it off lol like in the end fight against Millwall they're all running in shouting and you just hear elijah wood squealing like a girl in the background lol, and at the end when he's in that toilet with that druggie dude and he grabs him by the neck with the raised fist.. proper lord of the rings moment going on there! It was an O.K. film though, quite funny, but yeah very unrealistic... shut up you tool
  7. mr ailsbury

    Partz Video 2

    I really enjoyed that! well done brilliant
  8. went stafford shopping today... looks to be alrighty but not a great amount there to be honest... Hanly is really good if you can go quite big, newcastle is good for beginners and theres also stuff for better riders aswell, lots of stuff, skate plaza sucks arse for trials theres also Keele university that has some good spots but gets boring rather quickly IMO
  9. shes easily hottest!, closley followed by bigman
  10. Yeah, apple stopped making the ipod mini and just sell the nano now...
  11. I took my ipod back to the store and they gave me a full refund no questions asked so i'm pretty happy going to get a zen micro 5gb because they're in the sale at toys 'r' us for £130 cheers for the comments
  12. O.k. so my ipod mini died the other day and i'm now looking to buy a replacement... I have around £150 to spend so I was looking at a Creative Zen touch >>LINKY<< Or maybe a zen micro >>LINKY<< I don't know much about mp3 players so can anybody tell me if this is any good or not? or maybe suggest some other options for me.... The only thing I know I want is for it to hold at leat 1000 songs and have a screen.. Cheers, Tom
  13. Go to argos and buy a chin up bar for like £7 it has attachments to you can put it high up for pull ups etc and you can put it down low for sit ups and stuff LINKY
  14. mr ailsbury


    That looks pretty damn fun! think am gonna buy that tommorow i'll probs look into midnight club 3 aswell.
  15. mr ailsbury


    I Bought my PSP with Grand Theft auto: Liberty City Stories yesterday and I'm after some more games for it... Can anyone suggest any decent games for it that I can buy? No football games or prince of Persia though because i'fe tried them and hated them lol cheers for any suggestions Tom
  16. mr ailsbury


    Can anyone tell me where I can get a converter to change video's inot mp4's so i can view them on my PSP? Cheers, ToM
  17. Just watched the weather and checked on the net and it says its just going to b cold and a bit frosty, but no snow...
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