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mr ailsbury

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Everything posted by mr ailsbury

  1. mr ailsbury

    Nbr 18

    I liked that quite alot was nice to see more flicky spinny tricks and manuals etc on a python rather than sidehop, gap, sidehop, gap
  2. Don't know if the offers still on but Tesco were letting you have £20 off the price of a phone when you spend £40 or over on your shopping so maybe you could get a good phone from there? Tesco mobile ain't a bad network either same prices as o2... think its run through o2 aswell actually...
  3. holy crap thats like 5 bikes been stolen in the last few weeks first the zona then the t-mag then my mates GU and Python and now this!! hope you get her back safe and sound man
  4. actually wrong company lol craigs aorta not zhi oopsie
  5. don't think they're on sale yet..... maybe email craig lee scott? he might know...
  6. mr ailsbury


    there was me and my two mates that got there bikes nicked...my mates are little kids like 13/14 and the lads that stole the bikes were both quite a bit bigger than me maybe about 17/18 and they did hold onto their bikes until they got pulled off them no point trying to fight 1. they were bigger and would have won and 2. you don't know what the hell they've got in their pockets that they could stab you with or something
  7. mr ailsbury


    owner of the python gave a statment tonight and GU owner has to go back tommorow and i've got to go tommorow about my camera.... the police only had the time to take one statement because someone came into the station who'd had her purse nicked and a lad came in who had been happy slapped.. he had a broken nose bust up mouth and evrything so suppose thats a bit more important to sort out first The python had the lads name and address engraved into the frame aswell...
  8. Get a T-pro IMO they're shit weak...I've cracked 2 so far lol but i think they ride nicer and they would be better for you if your only 5 foot 2
  9. In the about me section: "i love trialsin its well good" that made me laugh lol sorry mate but the site sucks!
  10. so your in the woods... surrounded by rocks.... and you didn't think to throw anything at the dog or its owner? lol
  11. me, jim, dave, ginge and tom are going now aswell is evryone else still going?
  12. that would have been funny if he had whipped that lads leg with barbed wire instead of ripping tape off it.... rather gay that whole video was lol
  13. same here i got a B and evrything aswell lol maybe you could do something like rock climbing? we had climbing walls at our school and I bummed them because they're really good exersise etc and they wer quite easy to do because I have big arms/legs from doing trials
  14. having had a go on both i'd deffinatly reccomend the python, its just a much smoother ride
  15. pro. mr ailsbury i'll sell you my toenail clippings in a bag for a reasonable price
  16. 0800 - reverse, all you need to remember is a number in your head
  17. have your arsecheeks amputated they aren't really vital errrrr freeze sperm then have your balls cut off.... circumscision to get rid of unwanted foreskin
  18. round at each end so no proper corners really so shouldn't make much differance...
  19. I can't go now got no money and saving up for my python etc ah well i'd rather get my python a suppose lol
  20. done 8 and a half foot off pallets... fell off it first time though
  21. mr ailsbury


    Okay, i want to buy some t-shirts, like dickies, etnies etc etc but I was just wondering if anyone can suggest a good site to buy from? like cheap, good service etc? cheers, ToM
  22. I've got no job! I got an offer from Domino's pizza's but I was on holiday at the time and when I got back they had given it away! I just go to college and ride and stuff... the usual!
  23. agreed! futurama is also rather amay aswell
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