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mr ailsbury

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Everything posted by mr ailsbury

  1. Deng gave him a better sponsership deal so he went back?
  2. I'd say maybe a bit more like £300/£350 because the limey frame is like £395 so this will be more like at the top of onza's 20 inch bikes so maybe a bit more more expensive than opther 20 inch frames.
  3. My back and neck hurt quite a bit after a hard ride and my ankles, wrists, fingers, back, knees elbows etc etc etc all crack and click 24/7 lol My back only started hurting after I pulled a muscle in it, it went fine but has never been perfect since and I did it around christmas 2004. ah well I have fun lol
  4. My ronnie was shite and dented all the time and eventually cracked, maybe due to me running low pressure but meh, my Echo rim (one with squares in) is a beast, only had them front and back for aages and only got a few small dents in the back one
  5. i'm starting to aquire a taste for ashtons now and i think itt looks pretty nice...... bit poo paying £450 for a bike with V brakes, well the ones I saw in a bike shop had Vbrakes anyways... so yeah pretty nice bike lol ToM
  6. After a while though It could become like a chore because you didn't get to do it when you want or how you want, your told exactly how to do it,where to do it and when to do it.... would be cool for a while though. i'll be 27 and I'll probly have a job dunno how well payed or how exciting it will be yet as i haven't really decided what to do, maybe a girlfriend, car and a house?
  7. mr ailsbury


    kk cheers its working now
  8. mr ailsbury


    O.k. when I try to play TM2 I get the message, "you may experience problems playing a video track in 'TM2.mov' because the required compressor could not be found. would you like to close the movie or continue?" so I clicked continue and all I get is a white screen, I can hear the video but can't see it.... can anyone tell me how to sort this out? when I first downloaded TM2 a while ago it worked but now it doesn't... ToM
  9. when they vaccuum evrything! lol i'm trying to listen to music and she starts moaning tellin me to turn it down then wacks the vaccum cleaner on so i cant hear anything at all lol
  10. stayed in bed till about half three then got up, ate evrything I could find, went out riding and exploded my freewheel and my mate got a puncture and we didn't have a repair kit, so went his gf's house then came home and came on here, now i'm going to get some foood from somewhere...
  11. If I ran a profile with that gear on would it work???
  12. Cook some oven chips (big fat ones obviously) butter 2 slices of bread then put grated cheese on wack back in the oven until the cheese melts take out and scrape off cooking tray put all the chips and cheese in between the bread (add tomato or brown sauce) and squash together then munch away (also if you have any cooked ham or chicken in the fridge stick that in with the cheese when you melt it)
  13. lol loved the mario music in the tra bailings vid
  14. o.k. looks like i'll have to run a half link because i've only just bought my bashring to go with my 16 tooth freewheel and I havn't even ridden it yet...
  15. I'm running 16 tooth freehweel with a 12 tooth cog on the back....
  16. Rides absolutly bloody lovley! The high bottom bracket makes it a bit wierd to get used to but it sidehops and gaps etc relly effortlessly
  17. Its a new frame so this is the first chain i've bought for it.... I've just put it on tight to see if it streches enough, but if it doesn't i'm going to try a half link... Anyone else with a 2006 Python? what chain do you use? lol
  18. I'm using snail cam tensioners, (tryall ones) and i've tried a split link but sill no luck
  19. Okay so I got my new chain today (kmc kool chain) and tried to put it on my 06 Python I got it to what i thought was going to be the right length and put it on, but it was miles too long still, so I took 1 link out and now its wayyyyyyy too small Whats going on lol? ToM
  20. Come on people lets make it a big ride!!!
  21. I liked that, you just keep gettin better don't you! really should have been longer but seen as your just using spare clips im expectin a long one when you get back
  22. Me, Jim, Stefan and probly Dave should be e going to Nottingham on Saturday (25th i think it is?) If you want to join us Meet at the station at about 11/11:30
  23. supercycles do them for £160, if you really want one, you could probs get CDC to order you one in because thats where they get alot of their stuff from... ToM p.s. Bikes lookin rather nice there mate
  24. Bike:ZOO! Python 2006 Type: 20 inch Pros: got all the parts I want on it so basically my dream bike at the moment lol Cons: It doesn't arrive till tommorow What I'd Change: nothing at all... Recommend? yeah get one you know you want to
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