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mr ailsbury

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Everything posted by mr ailsbury

  1. god i want it to hurry up and be sat now this rides going to be mega!
  2. ME ME ME! pussied out last week but not this time
  3. looks pretty cool the stickers look ace who made them for you?
  4. someone should really do some filming and get a big video on the go cus this is going to be a rather massive ride
  5. what times evryone getting there? 11 at the gap by newstreet station would be good lol
  6. just do that ricky gervais dance off the office.... or iff that doesn't work the okey kokey, YMCA and just running around and sliding along on your knees are always winners
  7. 10 foot 6 inches that gap is
  8. will most likley be there iff i can get the moolahhh last one was mint so this one should be rather lush
  9. why do you keep posting in threads like this? you didn't go so its your loss iff you want to be a little gobshite then f**k off somewhere else and pester other people
  10. loads of differant areas around stoke-on-trent
  11. should be going on the 10:06 train iff the weather holds out like
  12. i'm in iff i can sort my brake out tommoow
  13. well gimmi your number and i'll be able tell you lol
  14. im left foot forward and i sidehop to my left side can get about 44/45 inches I can sidehop to my opposite side when i need to but i can only get like 40/41
  15. cheers for all the comments guys
  16. err8 luvs this is my new video on my python 06 its about 2 and a half mins long... comments appreciated LINKAGE cheers, Tom
  17. mine have creaked since the da I bought them and that was like last Feb so it isn't a problem to be honest
  18. QUOTE(deanie-b @ Apr 17 2006, 08:26 PM) ←Don't have me for this one... You know you're in england when there's not one white man driving a taxi.... you know your in cornwall wen you get bitten by a seagull for your icecream
  19. can I download that or do I have to buy it? where can I get it from? cheeers for the help guys
  20. ok i've got my D500 and I want to put videos, mp3's etc on it from my computer but i don't know how so can anybody shed some light on how to do this please? cheers tom
  21. yes you can great video Nadine keep it up
  22. you like long ones don't you Jim
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