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mr ailsbury

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Everything posted by mr ailsbury

  1. mr ailsbury


    how many episodes are there in season 2? i've watched 22 but I need to know how many more there are taaa
  2. sidehops are for girls bum that song pretty good spesh the clip with me in the back sound innit :wub: :wub:
  3. exactly the same here.... hitting knees on stem is the worst thing ever!
  4. love the music can't go wrong with a bit of Linkin Park editing was alreet was a bit dissapointed with the riding though, the last video you made showed real improvment in your riding but this one was a bit samey, still good though and a did like the gap to frontwheel then switch through then gap to front wheel agen that you did at the school
  5. nah castles a bit shite just ride hanly and plaza n stuff
  6. so who's actually coming on saturday?
  7. nice pics really like the website too keep it up
  8. quite enjoyed that song wasnt too bad either your gettin pretty good now
  9. ok so 18:13 would feel ok but would it work on my bike?
  10. right, i'm running a 16 tooth front freewheel and a 12 tooth fixed cog on my 06 python but it doesn't work... put a link in its too loose/take a link out its too tight situation so I was thinking of getting an 18 tooth front freewheel and a 13 tooth surly screw on cog for the back but I want it to feel the same as 16:12. so would 18:13 feel the same as 16:12 or would i need 18:14 AND would this work on my python with a KMC kool chain or a KHE collapsable chain because I need to be 100% sure before i go spending all my money. cheers
  11. special order off profile site??? or just get a normal fixed hub and a white industrys freewheel :] cheaper and better and less faff
  12. T-Rex - £199 off tarty, seriously lush riding frame though it is a bit heavy Echo control - around £270/280 rides reallllly nice and light as fook too with good parts on
  13. nice photo's man was an ace ride
  14. so was anyone filming everyone for a big vid?
  15. mint ride didn't get any of the stuff i wanted to nailed but was still ace
  16. when i was about 5/6 some big lad said that iff i told my mum to f**k off she would buy me a present lol all i got was a smacked arse
  17. cus they run away when they see millions of sweaty lads on bikes riding towards them???? lol
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