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mr ailsbury

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Everything posted by mr ailsbury

  1. Charlies erection: full throttle charlies angels: full erection
  2. 50 First erections (dates) erection (friday) next erection(next friday) erection after next (friday after next) The spongebob erection movie (squarepants) Team America: erection police (world) Finding erection (nemo) Ace Ventura: erection detective (pet) Erection Driver (taxi) The erection has landed (eagle) Recess: erections out (schools)
  3. football matches are an excuse for low life chavs to get pissed, have fights etc... the world cup is a global excuse for lowlife chavs to get pissed and have fights etc...and an excuse for shops to get filled up to their tits in england flags and crappy merchandise that people will buy just cause its the world cup all this money is being put into football yet hospitals etc are going down the pan which isn't right just think if they put a couple of ''top players'' multi million pound wages into researching diseases and stuff like that then less people would die football players don't deserve the money they get AT ALL! firefighters risk their lives to save people for alot less money and all football players do is do whatever they can to get in the papers and ''earn'' more and more money i just hate 'pro' football so yeah rant over
  4. my last few pairs have been Etnies skate shoes and they've been mint but they died and i tried some vans and ended up slippin off my pedals all the time then on one gap i slipped off and spraining my ankle so i wouldnt reccomend them lol I've got a pair of Tryall trials shoes arriveing either tommorow or monday so i'll see how they work out
  5. I went on my bike lol well the prom happend to be in a beast of a riding spot so we all rode up there saw evryone we wanted see, has a laugh then went riding so we got to see all our mates and have fun which is the whole point of it and we didnt pay anything so it was all good
  6. big wheeled bike for boys with small penis's jim remember so shouldn't take it out on me tht you ride 26 lol
  7. mr ailsbury


    not really no lol just download em all off limewire and see for yourself lol i was really impatiant and couldn't be arsed with the whole one episode a week for 24 weeks thing and watched them all over like 2 days lol
  8. so heres the plan as it stands saturday the 1st july meet outside birmingham new street station at the little gap accross the road from the station doors at around 11 o clock If your coming later get someones mobile number and call to meet up somewhere? so who's actually coming?
  9. mr ailsbury

    Gaz Meredith

    beasty but get out a longer video cause short ones are shit
  10. yay mine came this morning well cool but it smells funny lol
  11. ZOO! python 2006 frame Echo cnc rim (scooped out squares one) medium grind some tar when wet 04 maggies water bleed normal maggi hoses set up with an RB brake booster (4 bolt) been riding for around 2 and a half years mostly street with some natural
  12. A know yeah! when I had to go to the police station and look through this book to see if i could recognise the person who nicked my mates bike I just sat their thinking oh my god how do their parents live with themselves after bringing something so disgusting into the world lol
  13. nope probly not might iff it was on a saturday though
  14. no, vending machines go out of order this is just a bit of a pathetic topic to be honest
  15. get over it girls
  16. drinking then naked drunken paitballing after? lol
  17. yup twas me it turn you on? pretty good vid thereeeee lav bluey can ride better than that though am sure
  18. yeah tis mint like the site aswell get a video done now
  19. well that was just splendid
  20. effect was good but disguise it with the ageing thing like you said whats the song?
  21. all the good ones have been taken though
  22. If you have been bitten by a Ginger Kid immediately wash the wound with soap and water. If you have alcohol or peroxide apply it to the wound. Then call your local poison control for further assistance. A common misconception is that Ginger Kids' crotches are actually engulfed in flames. The truth is "fire crotch" comes from the fact that Ginger Kids have red pubic hair. It is similar to the nickname "Carrot Top".
  23. finished about 2 weeks ago for study leave only carrying on one of my subjects next year so i've basically finished college now till september all my exams are on one day aswell so one hardcore day of exams and stress then its allllll done
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