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mr ailsbury

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Everything posted by mr ailsbury

  1. friday next friday friday after next alll real funny movies lol evil dead 3 - its supposed to be like horror but its so cheesy that you can't help but laugh at it lol
  2. When i'm not out on the python I ride a Trekk Bruiser 1, just standard spec like. I use it for dirt jumping, riding long distance and a bit of bandity type skatepark stuff. I'm going to get better parts and pimp it up a bit soon though when i've got a bit of spare cash
  3. I f**ked a cow because I have a gigantic penis lmao
  4. just cause he doesn't tuck doesn't mean he's faking it.......though he more than likely is i dont tuck at all hardly
  5. my biggest is 45 and a half inch 7 blue pallets with some planks of wood in between aswell
  6. does anyone know any online sites that have a good selection of fox, royal racing, atticus, oakly tshirts etc cause the ones i've found only have like one or two on them... thanks for any help
  7. Well basically all I want to know is are Macclesfield or Shrewsbury any good for riding? are there many spots etc? thanks for any help
  8. mr ailsbury

    New Vid Of Me

    Beastin' video man REALLY enjoyed that deffinatly the best video thats been out for a while where abouts are you riding in this? Blackpool????
  9. yeah this happened to me but I got an order number when it failed and rang up quoted the number and sorted it all over the phone and came next day. thats the only problem i've ever had and it wasn't exactly hard to sort it out either. top notch service
  10. no thats just when they see you dan in hanly town centre we usually get people watching us but in most places we dont lol been chucked off my bike by random c**ts a few times aswell lol
  11. you need film slr's because we have to do developing etc for the coursework/exam experimenting with enlargers and stuff
  12. right, a friend of mine is starting photography at college and she needs a 35mm slr camera and needs a bit of advice she doesn't want a dead crappy one because iff she ends up carrying it on for the second year she will have to buy a better one but at the same time she doesn't want to fork out hundreds of pounds. so can anyone suggest a camera thats good quality but not too expensive?
  13. thing is barbra round you is like the bronx lol and iff its the park near stoke college then im suprised you didn't get raped and stuff lol seen people shootin up n evrythin in there when a was on work experience lol
  14. Right I went out and bought counterstrike: source yesterday and iff anyone wants a game or something then add me as a friend my name on there is tomtrials I don't really know what i'm doing at all so any tips will be appreciated lol
  15. i've been saying this for ages but no one listens to me ever lol Istarted learnning by hopping on my backwheel and was going up to front wheel and guiding my backwheel on like profile said but then i realised this was a bit of a shite technique and decided to start sidehopping up from two wheels which helped alot because I got my technique sorted and started going up onto the wall better and landing straight to 2 wheels instead of to front first it also got my sidehop height up from 32'' to 37 which was good once i had this dialed i went back to sidehopping from backwheel and found it alot comfier because i had the right technique to land to two wheels etc and then i kept improving on this and got alot better at it I sidehope to my good foot side because i find this alot easier because i can carry my body over the wall more and stay up there whereas iff i sidehop to my weak foot side i tend to have to hop back down agen once im up because my weight isnt over the wall its over where i've taken off from. at the end of the day it all comes down to trying out differant ways and finding whats best for you hope this makes some sence helps you out
  16. pretty beasty that is! i'd probly give it a blast well done
  17. mr ailsbury

    Bmx Video

    bmx viddd saw this on you tube and thought it was really good so thought i'd post it up.. think its quite old so it might have been posted before but ahhh well
  18. lush frame nice style big riding where you get them shorts?????
  19. the way people around here think that someone that has so much as black shoe laces is automatically labelled a goth or an emo how people think that if they dont like some thing then that makes it automatically shit and no one else can like it. profile off here
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