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mr ailsbury

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Everything posted by mr ailsbury

  1. We wern't allowed to use digital for AS until right at the end of the year which was wank! just get a film slr thats the safest bet because you can always put them on the pc and photoshop them iff you needed to plus they cost a fair bit less than digital slr's photography was easily the best subject I took last year the rest were dead boring compared to it... just one thing though make sure when you do the research/analysing photo's etc that you write as much as possible about evrything because the research makes up alot of your marks in the end... I realised this last year, i got really good marks for my practical but because I didn't put the effort into the research I droped loads of marks and bought my grade down ahh well lesson learned I'll just make sure I get it done this year... You could always go into Jessops and ask, they were really helpful when I bought my digital slr gave me loads of info and even gave me a memory card half price and loads of free printing vouchers which was cool
  2. soon as i have the money i'm there again lol i loves it
  3. sonic boom six drive till december (check their myspace they're a local band) fort minor inme imogen heap rob dougan mr scruff MF DOOM feeder finga thing should keep you busy for a while
  4. thats ma boyyyy welcome to the dark side lol
  5. koxx browns.... had mine at christmas and they're still going strong and they hold good too
  6. damn it o.k. erm it wont go on tvi for some reason and eengoedidee won't work for me and neither will mega upload so i'm a litttle bit stuck lol
  7. Heres my new video not edited much just using up old clips 'nd that its 2 mins 45 seconds long song is Rob dougan - Clubbed to Death enjoy EENGOEDIDEE LINK comments welcome
  8. sweet as toast editing and song were minta
  9. damn it closed the download by accident gotta start again now lol EDIT: minta video there mint editing, song etc
  10. that looks fackin awesome
  11. Decided to post it in here seen as im not actually orgonising a ride or owt there but I was wondering whether its actually any good for trials cause I was looking for places that would be reletivly cheap for me to get to and llandudnos one of them.... cheers
  12. I'm looking to buy myself a digital SLR and I've narrowed it down to two, The Nikon D50 and the Canon EOS 350D. I think i'm going to get the Canon as i think it feels alot nicer than the Nikon and is a bit nicer to use but I'm just intrested to hear some of your opinions before I make my final decision. so could you please give me some feedback on what you think of each of these cameras? cheeerssssss
  13. that was pretty cool nice to see more girls riding liked the songs aswell! only thing I'd say is take out the background noises and use just the song... keep up the good work! you and nadine should bring video's out more often
  14. might show ma face will have to see iff i can get the money
  15. helmets DO help when I face planted doing dirt jumpin (I was wearing a pisspot) the doctor said I would have died iff i didn't have one because of how hard I hit the floor etc and when I faceplanted doing trials (wearing my Giro Xen) my helmet hit first which stopped my nose hitting the deck but my hin hit the floor and I chipped a big chunk outa one of my teeth... he was quite lucky though to be fair If he had landed on his bike he might have been in hospital having a handlebar or brake leaver removed from him... reet nasty though
  16. my college doesn't let us have our results until 1 pm
  17. he was quoting beau lol nice pics
  18. valve split around the bottom where the rims dug into it a bit??? thats happened to me a few times, but only with Kenda innertubes cause they're shit
  19. kewel innit blad safe G should of used one long song instead of two little 'uns but other than that tis cushtys innit
  20. waaa my names beau I like bikes waaaaaa pikachu goooooo thunder attack :wizard: Joe's a pube luverly bike beau you sexy beast you better get your ass to stoke again some time soon
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