We wern't allowed to use digital for AS until right at the end of the year which was wank! just get a film slr thats the safest bet because you can always put them on the pc and photoshop them iff you needed to plus they cost a fair bit less than digital slr's photography was easily the best subject I took last year the rest were dead boring compared to it... just one thing though make sure when you do the research/analysing photo's etc that you write as much as possible about evrything because the research makes up alot of your marks in the end... I realised this last year, i got really good marks for my practical but because I didn't put the effort into the research I droped loads of marks and bought my grade down ahh well lesson learned I'll just make sure I get it done this year... You could always go into Jessops and ask, they were really helpful when I bought my digital slr gave me loads of info and even gave me a memory card half price and loads of free printing vouchers which was cool