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mr ailsbury

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Everything posted by mr ailsbury

  1. cheers for all the info guys so what exact things will i need to order when I get my Hollowbites? euro/standard/push-fit ? and what would be an alright BB to buy to go with them?? sorry if I sound a bit retarded i just don't want to go ordering the wrong things lol do I have to buy a new sprocket aswell? If so which is a good one to go for? Mine at the moment is a Salt CNC'd Alloy, 1/8" 30T, 5mm Thick one .
  2. Well basically I've got people asking me what I want for christmas and seen as I'm riding BMX alot now I want to get some stuff for it... I've been looking at these Hollowbites Which i've been told are strong/good/light. would they be alright or can you suggest anything else??? I'm running right hand drive iff that makes it easier? I've also been looking into getting a new backwheel, I was thinking of getting a profile but I've also seen freecoasting hubs(the ones where you can fakie without pedaling) and they look pretty swish... could anyone tell me how these work? do they break often, whats a good one to choose etc etc also if anyone could suggest a good rim to go with one of these hubs that would be cool I've got a We The People 4 seasons, the new purple and black one so i'll need cranks/bb that will fit that, I know shit all about BMX bottom brackets so I don't really know what I've got at the moment or what I'll need but I am just running all the standar parts that came on the bike. I ride alot of park with some bowl/ramp stuff and quite a bit of street, I've only just started so I don't land too light and i'm pretty weighty anyways so i'll need something pretty strong like any help very much appreciated cheers
  3. Dan who the f**ks that and why avn't you introduced me i'd bash her one lol and tell you what size her boobs are too lol
  4. lol I have to ride 6 miles to get to ride with people lol tis rather annoyin lol
  5. yeah I saw them then too!! fooking mega!!!! If anyone ever gets the chance to see Muse live then do it! fackin awesome! The Noisettes were truely wank though lol
  6. HAHA very well said Dan lol hes also completly toss aswell so tall/short/thin/fat it doesnt really matter lol Dans pretty tall n beefy though like me... i'd say about 6ft 1 yeah dan??? I'm a heavy b*****d too though but it doesnt really affect my rdiing cause I just power on through it lol
  7. don't worry theres enough of her to go around lol
  8. was a bit disapointed to be honest with that, would have expected it to be longer seen as its been so long since the last video... did like the editing though and the song was wicked beasty riding too
  9. haha what a bump n a half lol i made this topic forever ago lol
  10. Poopipes like the dirty version of Harold Bishop from neighbours with his infinate words of wisdom about peadofealia and general anal fondling
  11. Any time that your not chavvin' it with you boyzzz or fixin you broken bike ey babs lol
  12. how quick you get your orders n that? on time?
  13. none of those has it in stock the only place i've seen that has is winstanlys but I dunno iff they're dodgy or not....
  14. Right I want to order my WeThePeople 4 seasons bmx tonight/tommorow and I was going to order from alans bmx but just looked on there and they're sold out until the 1st of November. Can anyone tell me any online shops that are reliable and fast because I don't want to be arsed around to be honest I've heard mixed reviews about winstanlys so i'm not sure whether to risk it.... don't really know any other bmx shops so any helps really appreciated taaa
  15. My girlfriends minta I treck up to see her when shes with her mates sometimes she trecks to see me when I'm riding sometimes so we sorta share who has to treck around sorta thing. shes real hot too so its all good
  16. oh my god how sexual do those purple rims look!!!! ooofff pretty decent standard of ridin goin on toooo
  17. Cheese and gravey on chips. harribo star mix. italien BMT from subway. BLT's from marks and spencers. chocci raisens from marks and spencers. chips with tomato sauce and mayonaise on - looks like a gay mans arse leak but it tastes sooooo goooodddddddddddd
  18. put glue on a spoon ten catch the daddy longlegs and stick it to the spoon (just by its legs iff possible lol) then get a lighter and heat the spoon up till it cooks works with any insect actually spiders are best though cause you dont have to stick them down and you can watch them dance around as the spoon gets hotter and they eventually die and stick to it anyways
  19. The best thing to come out of Stoke is: OATCAKES the best food in the world ever
  20. mr ailsbury


    we the people, beyond I've been told to get that, but i'm unsure... Is it worth spending the extra £50 and getting a 4 seasons or should I maybe get something else?? Obviously with buing a full build bike something is going to break cause thats how it is lol so it could be better to get the cheaper one cause then I'd have £50 for when something does go wrong... Just wondering what your opinions are... any help appreciated bearing in mind I don't know much about bmx's at all so you might need to dumb it down a shade for me
  21. you got connexxions places in brum can't remember iff you do... anyways iff there is one just go there and they'll give you f**k loads of stuff on writing a c.v. I gave in loads of c.v.'s and couldn't even get an interview, went to connexions and followed their instructions n that on writing one and got an interview the same day and a place rung me the next morning had my interview later that week and they rung me back the smae night and offered me a jobby
  22. screw trials i'd take the million and get a bmx, and a house then build an indoor skatepark on the side of it lol order all my food n that off tesco online and my bitches off russianbride.com would never have to go out ever again lol
  23. mr ailsbury


    When I was in year 9 we had this R.E. teacher called miss Smith and she was the ultimate stress head lol so evry lesson me and this guy sat at the front of the class and kept turning this fan on that was always at the front of the room and as soon as she switched it off we switched it back on, as you do lol, and when she was trying to talk to someone we used to put our faces behind it and say poooriiiiidgeeeee cause talking through fans makes you voice sound funny which is pretty entertaining when your 13 lol she eventually got fed up of it and moved use to the back of the class where obviously we had to make up another plan... so we got loads of selotape up and made a big pole by attaching loads of rulers together so we could turn the fan on from the back of the room which stressed her out even more lol when she clocked on that it was us she took us to the head teacher and got all upset and stormed out because we were laughing at her lol she had loads of time off school and eventually came back just as we were leaving never really felt guilty cause it was rather funny lol
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