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mr ailsbury

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Everything posted by mr ailsbury

  1. good ride lads got any of the pics/videos yet?
  2. sidehop: 46 inch Tap up: 4 foot bunnyhop up: 4 foot 2 inch flat gap: 8 foot 6 inch static up to backwheel: 42 inches
  3. I'll have it off you Mike messaged you on myspace about it
  4. hmmm.. so the ones your selling... do I like attach my flash gun to one of the parts and stand it somewhere or what.. how does it work...
  5. right I think they're called remote flashes? (where you have a little thing on your cam so you can place your flash gun somewhere take a photo and it will flash without being attached to the camera) and I wants one I just need some information on them like, which are good? whats a reasonable price to pay for one etc etc i need one to fit a Canon EOS 350D.... any help appreciated
  6. done that lol I was stupidly drunk though so I couldn't help it lol iff you have asthma always remember to take your inhalor with you when you want to hurl abuse at chavs lol cause when they chase after you and you have an asthma attack its not good lol did that last night managed to get away but it nearly killed my lungs lol
  7. Think my fall off at lindsays rails was worse lol I'll try find the clip and upload it or somthin'
  8. Right I've just got back into riding and I'm feelin' a bit of a ride in Brum or Notts some time Will be on a saturday... maybe next saturday (27th Jan) or the saturday (3rd Feb) after... Just want to see where the majority of people would want to go cause I can't really decide like... i'll give it a day or 2 before a final time/date/place is decided so post up iff your interested lets make this a big un xxxxxxx
  9. My local town pretty much got shut down cause o it all, loads of shops lost the electricity and a few had windows blown out and signs were falling off the sides of shops and stuff to... t'was maddd. Loads of the doors at college broke too due to like the wind slamming thm so hard that they jammed and stuff shit loads of trees blew over evrywhere to... walkin to college this mornin saw about 6 or 7 council vans dotted around clearin' 'em all up.
  10. there's a guy at my college called piers sword kinda cool name lol i'd probly change my name to something a bit less common.... evryones called tom now a days lol
  11. www.myspace.com/willdroppants_forfood addagee
  12. mr ailsbury


    I liked that... bike looks swish he rides it a bit like his echo pure which i thought he rode real nice
  13. f**king YES mate! gotta get back into trials now thats just set me off again lol
  14. Deffinatly the wii got mine and I fooking love it. Its just so damn playable and fun. xbox 360 is a bit shite imo just same old games with a bit better graphics
  15. 8mm tunnel and 2 studs I want an industrial at the top though when I get some moneys
  16. I no but its one of those words we started using with our mates round here I no we didn't make it up didn't actually say we did, we started it in our group of mates and it doesn't really mean very good at all in stoke in the way we use it its just a random word we drop into scentances, e.g. '' d'you wanna cooshtoff up to the coosht for a a bitsy?'' (d'you want to go up to the plaza and ride for a bit.) random little language we got goin on actually. but to be honest who cares
  17. its spelt cooshtys actually and its not a chav word me and Joe started it and we're the complete opposite of chav thanks and you can't say anythin cause your the biggest chav I no
  18. cheers for that but I need somewhere that sells hollowbites theres alans and winstanleys but winstanlys have poo service and alans are more expensive just wondered iff theres anywhere else like
  19. sorry about this probly should ahve used the search and stuff but I kinda need a quick answer. wheres the cheapest/most reliable place to buy bmx stuff from hollowbite cranks to be exact don't know much about which bmx shops are good and which areb bad so thought i'd ask for suggestions before i go spending my moneys... cause I could do with getting them before christmas.... also If anyone could suggest a good BMX dvd like get1 not a tutorial dvd... that would be super
  20. Think I'm getting some Hollowbites and a new bottom bracket for my BMX maybe some new pedals might get a new BB for my python aswell since I haven't been able to ride it since like september cause its broke lol
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