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mr ailsbury

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Everything posted by mr ailsbury

  1. F**K it why not twill be good for a faff chow babies xxx
  2. thats sleek as foooookkk think it would be nicer with silver or black bars then fluro yellow grips still proper fit though
  3. innit think i've rode with you before maybe up at Hanley plaza once? sort a ride out my dearssss safesafe
  4. decided to just go to the brum ride on the 14th 'cause pekr and barber etc will be able to come with me aswell... sorry guys stopped riding in about september last year to ride bmx and im just gerrin back into trials again now
  5. this saturday yeah? anyone up for it?
  6. safeeee nice to see my little baby followin in me footsteps
  7. I'm having a wierd problem with my internet at the moment because whenever i try to upload a photo to my myspace, photobucket etc my internet crashes but the even stranger thing is its only internet explorer/firefox that breaks msn works still but I have to reset the router to get explorer back... anyone know what the crack is???
  8. to be fair im not really feelin these photo's but it was my first time tryin to take riding photo's with the fisheye so it was all experimentin with stuff and also would have prefered get some more interesting gaps and stuff done but seen as It was my first ride in about 2 million years I couldnt really do owt
  9. - Dan doing a 41 inch sidehop by Lace strip club lol - Me doing the same sidehop - Then me sidehopping it to backwheel - Dan going over a little rail by the civic offices brapppp! xsafesafex
  10. well f**k my O zone layer that was a beut what a way to go :|
  11. good because its better for your health and what not but its bad because to be honest I'd rather smell smoke in a pub/club or whatever than hundreds of peoples BO and sick from all the dancing round gettin sweaty...
  12. chu on about beau looks fit in that top i'd do him anyways lol that t-pro looks fit aswell I used to love my T-pro
  13. you absolute pine tart loved that crazy fool
  14. thats fit! I'll swap it off you for one of my arms its that fit
  15. fookin love that! used watch it all the time but lent the video out to someone and never got it back
  16. nooooooiceeeee lads whats the track?? paulys a bit of a beast at sidehops and stuff now
  17. cool... how much you selling yours for Mike???
  18. Yeah I'll admit I do only have a basic knowledge with all this kind of stuff I havn't really looked into it too deeply but obviously I've had a bit of a look around but I don't really know where to start on differant lenses and stuff. I've asked in my local Jessops but they didn't really explain it too well to be honest so thought I'd ask on here seen as theres alot of photographers that take riding pics so thoguht it might be a bit more useful. Then go off look around and make a decision like.
  19. thats what you get for riding with me might make an appearence at this
  20. right basically I'm thinking of getting a fisheye for my canon EOS 350D but I don't know what to look for? so can you guys point out some ok ones that arent super pricey??? also could I just buy some sort of fish eye attachment for the lense I have now rather than blowing money on a whole lense?? taaa
  21. shouldnt get pissed off at your teacher and punch a wall then should you barber lol this'll teach you you little chav only jokin bummy :wub:
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