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mr ailsbury

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Everything posted by mr ailsbury

  1. Thinking of getting guitar hero For the 360 or the Wii Just wondering is it worth the wassive price tag cause it is alot of money to blow on one game really.. also is it better on any one the consoles?
  2. c'mon guyssssss Reeeeeeeeally need some more responses for this... my bitch of a lecturers bought the date forward for the deadline by 3 weeks so I have no time to do anything at all now so i really could do with some more responses... me love you long time if you do it'll only take you like a minute to do and would be greatly appriciated! thanks x
  3. could just a few more people fill this in please it'll only take you a few seconds and will be a massive helpp pleaseeeeeee
  4. Yep like video production and filming editing and what not
  5. I could really do with as many as possible... I need around 20 really please help me *begs*
  6. cheers for the replies guys could do with some more replys though please (L)
  7. pleaseee Questionnaire. 1. Have you ever seen a bike trials video before? Yes No 2. If you answered yes, what did you like best about it, what stood out? 3. If you were to watch an extreme sports video, what sort of music would you most like to hear in the background? 4. If you were to look for a video on the Internet, where would you look first? My Space You Tube Specialist forums Signed:
  8. lol tar pekr barber looks like zack from high school musical lol
  9. Rightttt basically last saturday I got mugged and they took my bag with phone wallet etc etc in it. It had my provisional licence in it and abviously I need a new one :/ so, How would I go about getting one? Will It cost me anything? Do I need to send off a new passport photo and stuff? can anyone enlighten me?
  10. Iff you want an easy, well paid (but super boring) job try at like ANC or somewhere doing data inputting got a mate who works there and she works like 3 nights a week for about 4/5 hours and gets about £5.50 an hour some places give you even more than that though... I think the main shop at keele services is about £6.50 an hour according to someone I was talking to.
  11. I've done that backwards 'cause i'm 'ard
  12. does suit you better than the 20 inch I rate nice little video you proper tanked that 8 ft behind yates lol
  13. 28 weeks later 10/10 loved it!
  14. f**k you peckr you smelly s**t lol ill eat your nose EDIT: oldschoolllllllllllllllll rock on yoooffff i've already got this somewhere lol i've got like every clip and vid ive taken since the day i started riding lol
  15. FF12 is ok I got bored of it fair quick but iff your really into final fantasy you'll love it you dont get chucked into battles randomly you just see the enemys wandering round and run up and hack them. worth buying though i suppose
  16. Yeah I started out with a DS then sold it to get myself a PSP then now I never play it 'cause its really uncompfortable so I'm back with a DS again... I probly won't bother with FF3 then I'll just get a copy of Pokmon Diamond I rateee...
  17. been thinking of buying it for me new DS and was just wondering what people who have it think of it??? worth the money?? good gameplay?? the stylus functions any good on it or are they a bit shit?? tar
  18. Yeah just saw it well done oats
  19. Right I want to watch the episode where Barbra Strisand comes along and turns into that big mecca strisand then that guy from the Cure turns into a butterfly and fights with her... only problem is I cant remember what the episode was called, what season it's from or what episode number it is.... could anybody enlighten me please
  20. was that in stoke or oxford??? :|
  21. go to 2 mins 18 seconds I look well sexy and check out Bollywoods excuse for Vin Diesel at 2 mins 35 with his shades on the big girlsssssss
  22. 'kin mint ride yesterday lads!! nice oneee Can tell I havn't ridden trials in a long time though! ooooffff how I ache lol
  23. was a fair crap video to be honest soz but I did really like the way you used differant un video'd local spots ahhh them bits up past cdc bring back memorys
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