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mr ailsbury

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Everything posted by mr ailsbury

  1. Could anyone recommend a good free video converter so that I can put video's on my ipod Nano... its one of the latest ones cheers x
  2. they can't when it gets really busy and your on the till on your own, quite a few people do drive off, and when they do you get a telling off for it... they said to me iff it happens a few times then you have to start payng for it because your costing the company money each time it happens f**k knows
  3. Just like pay by card then, when the machine doesn't accept it they'lll say have you got the cash to pay for it, say no they'lll take yoour details and then you have to go back with the money when you've got it.
  4. I work in a Somerfields petrol station iff you just drive off they've got your car reg written down and got you on CCTV and stuff so they just give your details to someone who tracks it and you get sent a fine or summat If you go in and give the forgot my wallet bull they take your details and you fill a form in then you have like 7 days to pay for it. if you don't pay within that time you get sent a fine Just don't drive off because whoevers dserving at the time gets a bollocking off the supervisor and stuff, sometimes they make the staff member pay for it aswell
  5. I was stuck up in Baddely green =/ and Dan was stuck in bed lol
  6. yeah manzzzz get it onnnn Sunday meet in queens Gardens in Newcastle iff you know where that is like
  7. how much would it be roughly??? think i'll start saving uppp
  8. niceeeeeeeeeee will They be available as a full build any time soon?
  9. lol it won't even load up lol he sent it back and they said that leopard had crashed and died so they've got it off and are sending him a new one something like that anyways lol
  10. I actually quite like that whats it ride like???
  11. Well my mates Leopard just went royally tits up and he's had to send his mac book back to apple so I don't fancy installing that :/ any other way to do it???
  12. Just wondering, is there any way I can run Grim Fandango (for the PC) on my imac? like any software or anything? just found it in the loft and its a real good game just thought i'd try and play it
  13. mr ailsbury

    Ot: Parkour.

    pretty impressed with that editing was cool and a good song choice did'nt think that the oo we're at the peak district *homoerotic moment* bit was needed though, kinda ruined it a bit =/ keep up the good work
  14. any clips of that gap to front footjam tailwhip?????
  15. He on/off'd it but still did it reet good lol wondered how long it would take you get it on here Dan lol
  16. ranging from about 38 inches too 41 inches... biggest is about 43/44 though
  17. 40 inch Dan lol Everytime you lie god kills a forum member
  18. dunnooooo I'm trying to download it off a differant link on the page theres lodsss EDIT: yeahhh I'd downloaded the wrong one lol works now =]
  19. yeah i've tried that but it wouldnt pla media videos
  20. leopard came out this month quick question though.... what does everyon use to play like windows media player videos on their macs, seen as they won't play in quicktime...
  21. myspace.com willdroppants_forfood
  22. who needs tucks eyyy (done from the floor not the little wall)
  23. Tried ebay all it came up with was those du rag things the surgeons wear and yeah lol GILF tee *** lol
  24. Anyone know any good sites to buy TV show tee's and stuff in the UK Scrubs ones in particular. I've tried looking but can't really find anything any help appreciated tarrr
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