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mr ailsbury

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Everything posted by mr ailsbury

  1. Doubt i'll be there to be honest not busting a tenner to ride in the rain lol snapped me bars tonight aswell so saving for some new ones
  2. You can get 17 tooth ACS claws freewheels... maybe look as see iff you can get a 17 tooth cog from them??
  3. I'll ride with you son Dans coming mine to finish building/truing me wheel and then i'm good to go come Birmingham on Sunday Peckr
  4. The BMXers just don't like Dan 'cause he goes up and gives them shit and moans when they give it back lol Its just a case of be careful up there... shit doesn't go down that often its just a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time sort of thing just go and enjoy it Its good for trials and BMX and skateboarding, but on trials bikes it is fairly slippy, but as long as you take into account the fact that its not as grippy as normal street walls you can ride it perfectly fine and anyways even if it is slippy, more of a challenge innit lol
  5. Garage which is attached to the house alarm so if anyone goes in the whole world knows about it
  6. Just be very careful and don't leave anything around and don't let your bag outa sight n you'll be ereet the BMXers are all sound lads up there and the skaters are ereet too. Just don't wander off anywhere on your own cause iff a group of dodgys see you they will follow you and they will try and take everything you own whilst kicking your face in
  7. Yeah thats what it was like for me I used go up there nearly every night till like 11 with Joe and everyone and get no shit what so ever then in the space of like 2 months I get battered twice Then at the bus stop by the car park a lad got his ipod snatched nd load of bags go missing up there. The missus and her mate were walking along with this guy they knew and a couple of Chavs just jawwed him as they walked past. Load of drunk adult chavs started kicking off on the Emo kids up there one saturday and police/dogs/vans /ambulances were there sorting shit out. Its just a full on shitty area to be honest which is a shame, 'cause it is a great park to ride
  8. Stoke Plaza = suicide been battered twice up there lol first time i went for a piss in the bushes as i came out one lad jumped on my back n i fell over n his mate booted me in the face n took me phone while I was out Second time I was walking back to Hanley and they kicked the electric box out so all the floodlights went out then piled on me and took me bag and everything good park, dodgy dodgy area I'll keep a look out though
  9. s'alright now sorted well.. i've got the stuff installed... just need a firewire now so it will work lol
  10. Right Got my Handycam today (DCR-HC96) and I'm trying to put video's on my iMac only problem is... it won't read it/pick it up at all anyone know how I can solve this?
  11. I don't eat burgers I don't even like them lol Veggie delight Subways all the way!!
  12. fine then I'll just go on my own then
  13. for someone who hardly rides you make bloody long video's lol amazing stuff
  14. all great work mate Could you point out any clips where you've used your Baby death so I can have a lookie pleaseeee
  15. tyres look flat 'cause i'm so fat lol Went out on my BMX yesterday and my ankle didn't hurt at all, and it doesn't hurt on my python either so i'm confident its better now, it hurt most when i ran/jogged on it and it doesn't hurt on that now either, I did go to the hospital when I did it in and they said there was nothing wrong with it and i'd just sprained it a little... that was over a year ago... been to the doctors a few times since and they just said there's nothing wrong with it its just weak and needs to be rested, maybe do some exersises with it and its better now =) just clicks a bit, but all of my joints do that so its no biggy Should be on a group ride soon enough, when I get a new hub. Video camera is coming monday/tuesday as well so I'll be working on getting a new video out again soon as well
  16. Had been riding on and off for a while when I was filming these clips because I had to keep having breaks from riding 'cause of my ankle hurting/swelling up and stuff so its all a bit shite really lol then I just gave up and decided not ride at all until it got better... which it has now... pretty much =) so I'm starting to get back into it again... or I will be when I get a new hub... lol My ankle is bandaged up alot in all of these clips so thats why they aren't very good lol
  17. mr ailsbury

    Video Of Me

    Made this Video about 8 months ago before I stopped riding... Isn't really edited that much just chucked together really... comments would be appreciated
  18. Heres an idea whichever company can send me a free 08 GU fastest is the best ready steady GO!!
  19. lmao Shame we get the worst ever weather Stokes like royston Vasey though to be honest the weathers only gone wank since I bled my brake lol
  20. Right I've ordered the Sony tonight I'm a tightarse and wanted free postage though so I've got to wait till the 15th for it ahh well cheers for all the advice its been a great help
  21. Still can't decide to be honest... they're roughly the same price, both really good by the sounds of what people have said, is it just a case of which i prefer the look of? or am I missing something? lol
  22. £300 not really up for that really lol
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