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mr ailsbury

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Everything posted by mr ailsbury

  1. Does anybody have a downloadable link for the Federal Paris and London videos? I've looked around and seems like they're only on youtube, tried the federal site and it won't let me wither, keeps going wrong. EDIT: Also, has anybody got a downloadable link to the 'Another perspective' video I can have?
  2. You'd be better just riding Hanley to be honest, people won't be up for trecking half hour to Newcastle then 45 mins to Hanley then all the way back to the station really...
  3. Jake from Hollyoaks nezzer ??? Nathan Barber Zak Efron
  4. Right I'm going to be getting myself a mac book very soon and I'm thinking of getting the black mac book (the top spec one) with 2gb of memory and 250gb hard drive and Apple care added onto it, what I'm wondering is whether I should pay the extra and go for the bottom spec mac book pro. So what I need to know is what people think of each one, have you used both? If so, what were your first impressions etc? I'm doing Graphic design, photography and Video editing at college if that helps? just to add, I'll get discount because I'm going to order it through the apple student site. cheers, Tom EDIT: I've used mac books at college and they're realll nice, if I get chance I'll be going to manchester to the apple shop to have ago on some mac book pro's
  5. good music, alright editing, only problem was 8/10 of the gaps you didn't actually make? if you'd given it a week longer you could have had them all landed and made a much better video was alrighty though and voices in the background is good nowt wrong with some encouragement, you don't tell fans at a football match to shut up when someone scores a goal do you and your style is getting nicerrr
  6. god damn YouTube is blocked at college will watch and edit in a bizzle... EDIT: teasers are gayyy but the full video should be effing immense
  7. Plaza is soo good when its proper empty like that! safe pics yooof
  8. lmao for gods sake Dan you don't half 'cause some shit you sexy beast
  9. LMAO at snappel haha mint bring a full 'un out Dan you big fat rim pincher
  10. ep its on me calander EDIT: Nope actually can't come, Valentines day innitttt
  11. sexxyyyyyyyyyyyyyy wouldn't have put the gold and yellow together but it looks ace!!!
  12. his backwheel was only 9 pallets up and he didn't keep it, still impressive though
  13. Not bein' funny but kinda serves you right for leaving it at the front of your house really pwned
  14. I prefered the green to be honest still looks well good now aswell
  15. yep running snail cams on the inside lol you'd have be a bit dense not to lol I just found a washer and stuck it in, been out for a lil ride and it seems fine now
  16. mr ailsbury

    My Hub

    Right I've just bought a GU hub for my 06 python worked fine first ride on it went out tonight and before i'd even done anything my brake starts rubbing, so I looked at my back wheel and noticed that even though the bolts done right up, the washer isn't touching my frame, so it wobbles and stuff and the snail cam moves, I took the wheel out and thought oh maybe its cause the metals a bit jaggedy on my frame, so i filed the rough bits off, and it made no difference what so ever can anyone give me any idea what it might be, its doing my nut in now lol, snapped my old hub and old bars and popped my brake in the space of 4 days and now this is happening! cheers, Tom
  17. Cheers guys I need as many replies as possible so everyone fill it in please it'll only take you like 2 seconds to do! cheersssss
  18. Could you please fill this in for me its for my college coursework cheers guys and girls Questionnaire. Age: male/female 1. Do you watch documentaries? 2. Would you make time to watch one if an interesting topic was being featured? 3. Would a documentary about an extreme sport interest you? 4. When watching a documentary do you prefer to see a lot of ‘action’ footage and then some explanation of what’s been happening, or loads of talking then a little bit of action? 5. If you were too look for a video on the internet where would you be more likely to go for it? Youtube Specialist forums Myspace
  19. Anybody fancy riding Hanley on Saturday 26th January (this weekend), loads of good riding spots people should come it'll be good, decide on a time/meeting place nearer the date
  20. I was going to download a 10 day free trials of it but when the download time came up as like 5 hours i thought ceeeeeeeeeebs and that lads parents are full on retards for actually paying the lads monthly WoW fee
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