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mr ailsbury

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Everything posted by mr ailsbury

  1. not everybody needs to tuck... Its just an easier way for people with less 'umpf' to get up a wall. At the end of the day it doesn't really matter how you get up it. As long as you make it count by staying up on the wall instead of hopping back off it. and besides, if you close this thread you just know that someones going to make a new one so why bother really? Just don't read it if you don't want to look at pics of people tucking? At least they're posting riding related stuff rather than pointless loser topics just to get everyone kicking off at eachother.
  2. mr ailsbury


    We used to have a retard of a science teacher one day we all just took one shoe off and put it on our desks next to our pencil cases she was just completely blagged and kept stumbling over her words when she was trying to teach... turn all the room around like sit facing the back, the ballsy teachers will walk to the back and just teach from there, but the average teacher will just get all angry lol get everyone to secretly rub vix under their eyes and just like act normal, it REALLY freaked our teacher out when everyone was just randomly sitting there with bright red eyes tears running down their faces lol sneak in to your least favourite teachers classroom the morning before school starts with a few mates and build a massive pyramid in the middle of the room out of the desks and chairs and everything our 'rival' form group did that to our room one day lol so we nicked their form tutors puppet that he used teach with and sent him ransom notes lol sit their and hum one note for as long as you can when the teachers trying to talk. works best iff done by a group of people spaced out around the room. (harder to tell where the sounds coming from and makes them more angry) a funny/harmless one is just write notes saying *a name of someone on he back row* fancies *name of teacher* and then give it to the teacher and be like MISS someone keeps passing notes from the back! I'm trying learn here and its distracting me. person from the back gets a lil telling off and the teacher feels embarressed to talk to them lol these are all normal everyday pranks really but still all fun
  3. that Echo looks sweet as toast nice pics
  4. What he was doing was amazing but that was one of the most annoying video's i've ever watched and was in no way 'awesomely edited'
  5. requiem for a dream La Haine Amelie Dead Mans Shoes Evil Dead 3: Army of Darkness How High Edward Scissor hands American History X friday Next friday friday after next Human Traffic All Awesome moviesssss
  6. Is that the 20 inch Rob Poyzer had for a while???
  7. its the green bit thats got a crack in, the green spacer is nackered anyways where i did it up too tight and squashed it a bit as well lol
  8. God damn it! My prehistoric bike has screwed up again My Try-all bottom bracket has a crack in it so I tried to take the crank arm off to have a closer look but it won't budge, we've tried brute force (which resulted in freewheel to knuckle rape) to get it off but the bolts a little bit rounded, not much, but enough that when you put enough force on it the allen key slips out... Anybody got any idea's? Also, I'm going to be needing a new bottom bracket obviously lol so what would you guys reccomend? I thought I might go for another Try-all because its stood p to some grief over its time. (had it for 2 years roughly so not a bad life.) spank you for any advice
  9. Riding was megaa, song was alright.. not really my cuppa tea but who caresss safe other than that
  10. right, I keep putting my wheel in line, tigthening it up loads and then after not long riding at all it keeps popping out of place. It never used to happen on my old wheel. (Echo 05 rim with a tryall fixed hub) Its only started happening since i got my new hub (GU fixed) running on a 2006 python btw... anybody know whats up with it?
  11. I've met just as many dick heads in trials as I have in BMX to be honest, quite a few of the better BMXers around here used to ride trials, they were good at it too, but just got bored and started to ride other things. I've noticed that quite a few people stop riding trials when they get cars... 'cause they can just razz off to a park and stay there all day rather than trekking to a spot to do one thing then riding to another spot and doing one thing etc etc The only problems i've ever had are with DH/DJ riders, they really are elitist and think they're so much better than everyone else, but thats just the ones i've met... there might be nice ones... that steve peat seemed a nice fella when I talked to him at the bike show a few years back. I ride BMX now 'cause I just gave up on my forever dieing trials bike and I've noticed how much easier it is to just go out and have a quick ride. Like when you've got a spare hour or 2 you can just grab it, roll to the nearest bit of flat ground and try foot jam tail whips or something, whereas with trials you have to at least have some pallets or a wall or something to be satisfied with riding. The BMXers are pretty accepting around here though to be honest, obviously they give everyone a bit of banter but you just have to give it back and have a laugh about it and stuff rather than getting all uppy about it, they only really give people shit when they full on ride in the way and just completely disrupt the flow of the whole park... Fruit booters are definitely the most hated of the lot though 'cause they cut everyone up and just generally do their own thing without thinking about what anyone else is doing or anyones safety.
  12. mr ailsbury


    Went to a Mr Scruff club night last Friday and he had a tea shop set up where all his merch was sold lol, teabags/mugs/caddys/teatowels etc twas awesome lol really wierd though, going to a club where everyone was drinking tea rather than beer lol
  13. or buy the needles of ebay and just do them yourself rather than pay £40 for someone to put a pair of gloves on. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/100-STERILE-SELF-PIE...7QQcmdZViewItem
  14. all the piercings ive had including my lip, i've done myself, and had no problems, i had my industrial done properly and it went proper rank and i had my origional lobe piercing done properly and that went all puss filled, might aswell do it yourself to be honest, its not that hard, probly better getting your mate do your lip for you thought cause the skins real tough.
  15. Yeah, thats on the nappy nights the proper over 18 club nights are nothing like that at all, they've got a small room upstairs with like rock type stuff on, the main room is just like normal club stuff. just full on students and the like.
  16. nah i'll be staying at home lol, only a bus journey away for meee what you going to be doing??
  17. Hanley town centre is a nice area, plenty of shops/cafe's and stuff to chill at. there's a bus service right next to the Stoke campus as well, the number 25 bus i think it is, which will take you straight to the town centre, even though it is only a short walk. Sugar Mill club nights are fair good as well if you wanna go out at night, they've got a main room with all club music on, a 2nd room with more rock type stuff and they've got a heated roof terrace if you want to smoke and stuff. http://www.myspace.com/thesugarmillstoke there's also free bar fridays at the local gay club lol, £10 entry then free bar all night, so as long as your not homophobic then its a good place to go lol http://www.myspace.com/theclubstoke the surrounding areas are proper shit holes though, full of chavs and the like, but as long as you keep your eyes people and avoid dodgy areas at night its fineee I'm going to Staffs uni in September hopefully hope this helps you out also
  18. there was loads of them up at the plaza on saturday and some kid launched his skateboard up a ramp and it flew through the air and slammed one of them in the mouth, I nearly died laughing at her, made me feel warm inside
  19. so how did you get it back then??
  20. iff its on your house insurance just say it was stolen from your back garden not your mates
  21. second GU in Stoke-on-Trent to be nicked is that gutted
  22. bosted my ankle about 2 years ago and stopped riding seriously after that cause my riding just deteriorated and i rarely rode, then I stopped and rode BMX for a bit, and then some trials but then stopped riding completely over summer last year cause my ankle was still bosted so i decided give it time to heal a bit. started riding every now and then in September and now i'm just sick of my bike breaking so i've stopped so i can ride BMX now, gonna keep my trials bike though incase I fancy a ride on it sometimes. Just wish more people posted on BMX-forum
  23. I thought my girlfriend had fell out of bed n banged into my wardrobe doors so i was like "WTF YOU DOIN' BITCH" and her response was a smack round the chops and we realised it was an earthquake lol
  24. Part time at a Somerfields petrol station :/ alright pay and I work at night don't have to work weekends which is good with college n stuff but oh my god its so boring its unreal, the nearest thing to a highlight is when theres a good offer on i can pig out on my breaks :/ half price Ginstes pasties and 2 for £1.50 frijj milkshakes the other week ... only good offer they've ever had on though lol
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