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mr ailsbury

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Everything posted by mr ailsbury

  1. When I popped my brake I was so sick of fixing parts that I just left it for like 5 months lol wish I'd just got it done now lotssss of wasted riding timeeee
  2. To be fair though they're pictures of him so you can't really say that he can't use them... either way website looks alright for a first try to be honest... would be better if the title wasn't just bold and basic.. make it a bit more interesting like. also like people have said, spelling mistakes need sorting, and maybe instead of the little albums just have a picture and then the title comes up when you open the image, or just have the full images straight off so you can just scroll through them. looks areet though
  3. On the main menu go on Wii Message Board click create message then address book that will tell you your consoles Wii number then you click the right arrow click on one of the slots then click Wii and enter who ever you want to add's number
  4. EDIT: oops wrong one thi is the one: 5325 9863 2209 6116
  5. Last episode was mint lol much better than the last series when they were all singing and stuff lol sad ending though =( poor toe knee
  6. In the like 3/4 years that i've been watching your video's i've not once been dissapointed and this is no exception. You absolute beast
  7. but when I say college comes first over riding you have a go at me if you keep on top of your work there's plenty of time to ride also if you use your free's wisely and just go to the lrc and get workdone you'll have to do pretty much none at home unless your doing like photography/media production/graphics/art type stuff where you have to give up days to film/take photo's/edit etc obviously that cuts your time a lot. first year of college until January is basically a doss anyways because its all about getting to know each other and finding your way round college and sussing out the workload and stuff then you just work up to your exams and get it all coosht then doss a bit for the remainder of the year and get your finger out bit more in the second year cause you have more work. I still found time to ride every single day in the first year of college 'cause you really just get about the same amount of work as school but instead of loads of subjects you just do a few... then this year i've properly decided to focus on work and also having a girlfriend and a job has eaten up alot of my time as well stop being a little bitch and just go on as normal. But if the workload gets a lot then get that done before you ride. easy.
  8. Your suporvisor will probly get in trouble because you've done stuff wrong anyways so you may aswell just say that he said you could take them.
  9. The kids have discovered fire next they'll discover moves other than TGS JOKE! good video lads wouldn't mind riding Sheffield when I've got me exams and stuff outa the way looks minta
  10. Just watched the video again and its growing on me... some good shit going down playaa! Also, was the clip at 1.14 filmed by your mum/nan? its usually mums/nans that hold cameras with their fingers infront of the lens lol EDIT: songs still aweful though lol EDIT 2: Also that up to front at 1.50 is absolutely fanny fantastic. and make sure you actually make the gap at 2.01 next time Sorry i'm disecting the video a bit but I'm well bored and I like picking at stuff lol
  11. yeah my brain switched off near the end 'cause I got a bit bored massive stuff going down though song was aweful though lol
  12. MAY be there depends on college... think i'm finished exams and everything and work and stuff... most probly going to be there but will know for deffinate nearer the time.
  13. Trials-Forum Video -> Full View • Download • Upload my first video on my Onza T-bird roughly about 4 years ago after i'd been riding 3 to 6 months filmed over about a 3 month period likeee =)
  14. The old CSO's in my town sorted out some meetings for me and two of my mates with the local council to try and get us a trials park built never happened like but we got a little skate park put in the park at the end of my street which was pretty sweet
  15. "It maked me remember G.T.A San Andreas wen you do some freaking cool bike stunts." LMAO
  16. what do we recon to the weights on page 208 of the argos catologue? number 1, the York barbell/dumbbell spinlock set? Thinking about getting them, just after something cheap but can hold some weight without snapping or something lol
  17. the old raceline yellow/pearl white ones were sweeeeeeeet just heavy as fook any of the ones after that ride toss, really cramped up and stuff, personally i'd go for a t-pro, nicest 20 inch i've ridden to be honest, only got rid of it cause i'm a munter and cracked a few
  18. now THAT made me want to go and ride. good lad back in the days when trials riders did good stuff
  19. www.trials-forum.co.uk www.bitch-forum.co.uk Rob just post a pic in the tuckage thread and they'll all fancy you
  20. ME! Was it that old man who was perving around for ages???
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