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mr ailsbury

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Everything posted by mr ailsbury

  1. Some kid who was in Dan Kearn's year died of cancer the other day as well not a great week for the young 'uns R.I.P.
  2. Like OBM said sixsixone ankle braces FT masssiivveeeee WIN (Brian Rourkes, £15) You really won't regret buying one. Rourkes are closed on thursdays all day thoguh so don't go then lol also switch through at 1.35 Hanley museum... smoothest ever
  3. that was a s**t video to be honet.... some good riding... but aweful music and awefully boring
  4. Mega upload = failll for me so can't download it =( Would be super if you uploaded all of your mix's to tvi.isg or something though seen as all the ones i had got lost in a black hole or something lol
  5. That happened to me going down a hill... and now I have caps on my front teeth where they smashed on the pavement lol
  6. I miss my old t-bird Specially seen as I know its rotting away in someone's shed not being used
  7. So how much DO you weigh?
  8. F**k sake not only is it blazing sun outside, but you have to bring an absolute meat feast of a video out I want to ride sooooo badly now but its all about coursework and revision till the end of next week :( pwned
  9. He defected to bmx-forum.co.uk *hisses and makes sign of the cross with fingers*
  10. Wish I didn't have so much work to do I'm well up for a big ride ahhh well I finish college in 2 weeks I think so i'll be well up for one after that
  11. I got a 1 month free trial with my GTA4 game but my brother bought 1 years worth and he can only play online iff one of his friends invites him to a game, he cant join a game with anyone unless this one lad brings him in the msn and stuff works thugh
  12. lol how did you know it was belkin??? it won't let me join any games or anything ever it will only let me go on msn on my 360
  13. mine is tomtrials My router is shit and probly wont work can anyone reccomend a godo 'un?
  14. gamer tag is tomtrials if anyone wants add me im a noob, only got live today for the very first time lol
  15. The missions with that rasta bloke really annoy me lol he talks like a right t**t can't understand a word! after playing for a few hours I got a bit better at the driving so its not that bad now... LOADS better than san andreas, that was deffinatly the worst in the Series the mobile phone and sending text messages, ringing up birds and taking them on dates is a nice touch as well also because you have a phone you can ring people up and ask for the next mission rather than just driving round aimlessly waiting for them to ring up and offer them to you. the new stars system is good on this one as well, where you have a circle on the map that you have to exit as legally as possible before you can lose them, and also the squad cars come up as flashing lights so you know where they're coming from. Police do seem a little slower on this one though, also if you get a squad car you can pul people over by driving behind them and then parking up when they stop. the swimming seems to work a lot better on this one as well which is good. all in all its a great game, well worth the hype, just wish i hadn't opened it before the exams, because i'm now going to fail due to obsessive playing lol
  16. Got it at midnight well about 20 to 1 lol the que was huge its mintttttt the driving is a full on ball ache to get used to though, you fly through the windscreen when you crash hard and if you bater the car too much it doesn't blow up, it just won't start at all lol probly because I'm coming onto it from playing a Wii though so feels well dodgy. Some Big fat b**ch couldn't get her kids one from Tesco so she came to game station, she was the one infront of me, and bought 2 copies, one of which was my special edition one that i pre ordered, last one in the store too! the fat dirty skank. ahhh well, saved me £15 i sposeee, bought xbox live membership instead
  17. No matter what they say, Tesco's will have some on the shelves, at like 11 o clock well they did with San Andreas anyways the shop assistant putting them out said i'm not allowed buy one till midnight, but I took it to the counter and they sold it to me anyways =D pre ordered the special edition from game station cause I want all the crap that comes with it do you think they'll do trade ins tonight? cause iff not i'll get it in the morning so i can save some coin lol
  18. leave it how it is then make a new one I like how old it is, 'cause you can look back on what it was like and what stuff to be excited about and all that nice little trip down memory laneee
  19. Scene kids are basically 15 year old chavs in drag proper boss and kool innit .... or not..
  20. I remember the days when you could hardly lift your black mumba off the ground now look at you, you full on beast
  21. LOL i know many lesbiens with that hair cut unluckyyy just let it grow then get a cheap £3 trim every now and then ***
  22. pre ordered it about 2 months ago cant waittttt
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