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mr ailsbury

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Everything posted by mr ailsbury

  1. It's happened to me before, first time I was riding down the proper side of the road, in the cycle lane and I got stopped and made to walk for 1. having no seat. and 2. my tyres were 'flat' and therefore dangerous. Apparently trials bikes aren't 'road legal' because they don't have a seat, reflectors or a bell. Second time was at night. I got my name taken for riding through town on the pavement. They had a choice between telling me off or telling the drunk guy that was having a wee up the front doors of Woolworths about 10 foot away and they chose me
  2. love the black and gold white instead of black would be absolutley sweeeeeeeet though or maybe silver and black instead of gold and black???
  3. LMFAO vid was alright... not your best though but as it says, just random clips which in all fairness, were fairly large
  4. Memento? polaroids/tatoos and what not
  5. Is there any way you can run a mac book and an imac together as like dual screen???
  6. The song off the Mercinary's 2 advert lol effing awesome lol
  7. mr ailsbury

    Lol Backflip

    Trials-Forum Video -> Full View • Download • Upload innit
  8. mr ailsbury

    Lol Backflip

    Bongo did it alot nicer as well lol still a good find though
  9. Little brother got his today. 5 A*'s 8 A's 1 C smart b*****d lol
  10. Why not just sell the top end frames as kits with like frame, forks and headset, then people can do whatever they want with them without wasting too many parts
  11. Its very americanised? so like you can't send pictures in texts you have to attach them to emails to send them and you have to buy your ring tones from the itunes store on your iPhone and then do some edity thing to pick a little section out that you want as your ring tone but as long as you can survive with that they feel really nice in your hand, not to heavy/too light and generally nice and easy to use. Everyone I know with an iPhone, new or origional say that they couldn't go back to a normal phone after having an iPhone because they're just so much nicer to use. Not played on an N95 but I personally wouldn't buy one due to the fact that on all the other nokias i've had/used the menus etc are toss and the whole phone just doesn't really work 'right', the N95 seems to have all these flaws AND its about 26 ft thick and it looks shite which makes it even worse lol, not had much luck with any Nokia i've had to be honest so i'm rather sour towards them lol.
  12. Dan works in Cool Trader so he's to cool to pay for stuff! he'd just beat them to death with a buy one get one free frozen leg of lamb
  13. That could actually be a bike that was stolen off a mate like a year or 2 ago.... will have to gett Dan Kearns check it out 'cause I can't be sure..
  14. The Final Fantasy 7 Piano Collection lol nerd but the songs are lovley
  15. haha that was absolutly insane! maks me want to give unicycle trials a go! loves it!
  16. haha that was siccccc does anyone know what the song is at like 4 mins and 40 ish seconds in I recognise it from somewhere and its minta?
  17. Beast video Noisia (Y) keep up the good workkk
  18. To be fair i've noticed that the majority of nob head drivers are the older, "I've been driving down this road at 11am on a Thursday for the last 40 years and if there is a kid in the road whilst i'm doing it its their own fault " types. And people in 4x4's that try to race you/shove you out of the way if you over take them because they can't bare to not be at the front of the traffic. etc. A chunk of the people my age that I know with cars have to have them or they simply wouldn't be able to get to college 'cause they live right out in the sticks and they all drive sensibly.
  19. BEAST! I do prefer heavier music in big vids like that but it was still a wassive beasting hard on of a video (Y)
  20. haha it was claires where I had mine gunned lol, it go infected, swelled up and pussed everywhere lol Went to a 'proper' piericist that said there is an ingredient in the claires cleaning stuff that can aggravate the wound which is why it went all gammy
  21. 'Cause having it done with a gun hurts twice as much? well it did when I got one of mine done anyways lol
  22. ahhh pwned =( lol topic can be closed or something now cheers =)
  23. mr ailsbury

    Mac Msn

    Does anyone know how the shite do you use the built in webcam on an iMac for mac:msn?
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