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mr ailsbury

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Everything posted by mr ailsbury

  1. PCSO's don't get battons they just get an anti rape whistle lol
  2. The invisible children?
  3. Can I get in on that too please? another great mix keep up the good work man!
  4. How did you make your dock go into the bottom left corner like that? looks cool
  5. Went into town and had a go on one of the new macbooks today. Very impressed, they look really nice, nice bright screen etc and the new track pad is really good. Very smooth and responsive and the whole pad being a button works great as well. All the gestures work well on it too and I can see a lot of people finding them really useful.
  6. Loved every second of that. Amazing
  7. Xbox 360 seems to have more players, but you have to pay to play online PS3 online is free, plus you get the Blu Ray player which is cool To be honest I think it comes down to which controller you prefer, 'cause if you don't like the controller your going to be uncomfortable when playing so you won't enjoy it as much. I've had both and I prefer the PS3.
  8. Yeah I saw that, pretty sure it was channel 4, they shopped her at 3 different levels, like not at all, just a few touch ups and like full on messed around with and then asked the public which one they preferred and stuff. Youtube Video -> Original Video EDIT: Actually it was on BBC 3, Alisha Dixon, Look but don't touch http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00cgq99 http://www.bbc.co.uk/beauty/?clip=alesha&tab=3
  9. Wicked songggg You need to take your time a bit more though, you look slightly rushed x
  10. You deffinatly ride the 26 inch better than the 20 inch good improvement
  11. Got my aluminium imac in like october/november last yearrr
  12. Did have a PC, but then started using macs at college and was just like, oh my god! where've you been all my life! There's nothing wrong with PC's at all, I just prefer macs now.
  13. http://www.chainreactioncycles.com/Models....mp;ModelID=1203 I've got one like that. You'll probably need something a bit meatier but the 661 braces are really good, really support your foot and help to stop it aching and stuff had a couple of falls that probably would have destroyed my ankle if I wasn't wearing it. Maybe have a word with Physio Si first though, he'll maybe come and check it out and then reccomend something to you.
  14. no no! there's just no substitute for Brie!
  15. Used to ride comps, but it was just a massive pain getting there/getting back in the end and some people took them wayyyy to seriously so I ended up stopping was quite fun though I remember going to like an indoor thing that someone organized in Llandudno i think it was, few years back, not a comp but it was absolutly wicked well worth the treck!
  16. anyone tell me which is the MSN for mac that lets you use the cam???
  17. Nacho's, grated cheese, guacamole, sour cream, spicy chunky tomato salsa, wack it in the microwave for 1/2 mins yummeh!
  18. Bacon and Brie on a bagel bang tidy
  19. Must be the curse of the Danny's 'cause all of Danny Kearn's threads used to turn into arguments as well lol
  20. You should start making vids again show 'um 'ow its done lol
  21. Live in a world where Pokemon are real! being a Pokemon trainer would be a wicked job lol
  22. A community support officer got sacked from my area after her boss found out that she hadn't been stopping kids drinking/smoking, she'd just been sending them off to a 'safe zone' where they wouldn't get caught.
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