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mr ailsbury

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Everything posted by mr ailsbury

  1. Echo Control 06 long, 05/06 Pitbull 05 T-Pro and 06/05 Python
  2. Well the odds of getting 1 ball right are 1 in 49 so if 20 people are having a go the chances of a a fair few of guessing at least 1 of the balls aren't too slim.
  3. Everyone wants people to try out new things, and when they do they get slagged off. Who cares what he looks like trials isn't exactly the coolest most sexy sport in the world anyways? Seriously though man, get an inspired! it would suit you down to the ground! especially with the amount of bmx'y street spots there are in all these American BMX videos
  4. Saw the images flash up, first looked like someone siting down tied with rope, the one after the video looked like someone trying to get up but was tied down. Didn't work on me just made my arms feel a bit heavy
  5. I remember when this first came out forever ago! still a beast!
  6. Brilliant stuff man, look just how rides used to be back in the day glad the weather was so mint R.I.P. Beau
  7. Suppose lol I don't like anything Deng that came out after 2006 though, had nothing but bad experiences so maybe comp stuff is the way forward
  8. He rides it exactly the same as his control good clips youth! Loads of people used to ride comp frames on street, Danny foster and CLS on Montys etc.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iH08YR_ndXI...player_embedded Well theres the video but it says that the music is copyrighted so I can only have it with no sound http://www.vimeo.com/6570926 vimeo one works
  10. I've got 18:12 with 170 cranks on my Python, its OK but I used to run 16:12 with 170 cranks and that felt sooo nice, ran 16:12 for years and loved it, only got an 18 tooth freewheel because I wanted a Tensile.
  11. I much prefer my PS3 to my 360 but when I want to play online the Xbox is better.
  12. Really enjoyed that! Song fitted really well. Only criticism is the black and white bit at about 50 seconds through didn't fit at all, if you cut that bit out it would be wicked OH and Dan has to walk between spots because that front brake on even the slightest bit of a hill throws you over the bars lol
  13. loved that, that pigeon up at 5:01 was mint! could have been pretty nasty if you'd f***ed it up.
  14. Mint video awesome song and mint riding, loved the little wallride they up to rail line. Youtube plays it really spazzy though might work better if you put it on Vimeo or something?
  15. Se7en, Amelie, Memento, La Haine. Marley and me's good too, only movie i'v ever cried at lols
  16. Anyone got a youtube link? cant watch it on iplayer
  17. Koxx Browns on a medium/sharp grind! I've used these pads ever since I started trials and they've always performed extremely well, When set up properly they last easily over a year (well my pairs have anyways) been running a pair on my Python since 2006 and they're still pretty meaty. Can be bought from Tarty bikes and they're like £18. Try-all Croco's been running koxx blues up front on a smooth rim for a while now, not amazing in the rain on a smooth rim but brilliant when its dry! and they've barely worn down at all.
  18. Really like that mate. Very clean, well layed out and great designs
  19. I played the free month thing on WoW, was a level 15 gnome may start my subscription again and get a new character. I had a problem though, I bought the battle chest with the original game and the burning crusade? expansion in it, but the burning crusade wont install. says there might be some sort of error. Does anybody know how to sort this out? Just seen the advert for the new expansion, Cataclysm, looks pretty good!
  20. Its not really a skate/parkour combo, its more like loads of no complys, foot plants and really funky hippy jump type things... good stuff though, nice find
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