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mr ailsbury

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Everything posted by mr ailsbury

  1. Still better than the majority of riders today. perfect style get a more recent video out lad
  2. LINK Can't go wrong with one of those! bit heavy but super strong £25
  3. Isn't the Lynx the 20 inch? The Piranah is really really nice, had a go on the short one and it feels really solid, a tad short for me but rides just like a ZOO! should beasty for streety TGS stuff
  4. Some good and some bad this year! started it off with a broken wrist, was in cast from half way through december into mid feb which sucked ass!\ Been fairly bumpy with the GF at some points but we're still together and things are getting a lot better! Started to really enjoy riding again which is wicked! Not half as good as I used to be and been riding BMX a lot more but still! Only problem is because of weather and uni i've not been able to ride much at all, this has a god point though in that when I do get to finally ride I really really look forward to it and enjoy it just that little bit more! Been skint all year because of the longgggg terms at uni i'm looking forward to the xmas holidays even more than I usually do which is great so yeah.. pretty mixed year!
  5. If they banned smoking people would still do it anyways but they'd smoke really cheap dodgy fags and probably do themselves more harm. I used to smoke, I quit and i'm glad I did it, I wouldn't have any of the nice things i've got now if i'd carried on with it because i'd be skint all the time like I used to be!
  6. Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  7. You can mod 360 controllers to play on the PS3... so you can have the better console with the ''better'' controller does require effort though and I prefer the PS3 controller for everything except FPS games so never bothered.
  8. great find check out the Federal London and Federal Paris videos too
  9. wow that was quick! cheers matey x
  10. There was a video posted on here ages ago that I'd like to get hold of again... It started with a guy coming out of his house with his bike, he rode it for a bit then like turned off the road and was on another bike, then it cut to him on another bike like a big montage.. THINK he was from America but im not sure. this ring any bells with anyone?
  11. Everyone i've known thats driven outside of lessons has had their own car (Dave and jenko), so might be cheaper to get your own insurance policy rather than being on your dads? Like a girl I work with, she passed her test not long ago (after failing it about 4 times) and she shares a car with her mum, they found it cheaper for her to be the main driver and her mum to be the 2nd because her mum hadn't driven for a few years...
  12. Thats pretty f**king large! Nice one
  13. Love Christmas. Love christmas shopping and wrapping stuff up and all that! Don't think i'd be as bothered if I didn't have a girlfriend to enjoy it with but i'd still really enjoy it
  14. Not read the whole thread so I don't know if its been said but this blog would be sorta cool as a twitter feed as well so its a bit easier to access on the go...
  15. Do seem to spend a lot of time sprinting to find people and by the time you've got there they've all been killed re-spawned behind you and kill you first. PSN: tomtrials
  16. Just go to your local game/gamestation
  17. Apparently because so many people are trying to get on at the same time Sony have shut the server down so they can expand it to meet the demand EDIT: Its because the server overloaded and crashed. thats why they're expanding it/mending it
  18. Nope, still doesn't work! Had to go into account management, account information and log in to complete status update. then it kicked me off PSN and I had to re-boot my router, turned it all back on and its still not working.
  19. OK I just turned my console off and on and theres another update for it, just downloading it now..
  20. Apparently there are loads of problems with Trophys not unlocking, multiplayer not connecting and invited not working and patches be out by friday
  21. I had that for about 20 mins, got on had 2 games and now it says "communication with the activision servers has been interupted" great...
  22. Just played a multiplayer game and there was a guy who's level 48 in there.. just slightly too much time on their hands I think lol
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