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the organiser

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Everything posted by the organiser

  1. How about the YMSA help out as we have a long time working with Tartybike as theres lots to do in the background at an event of this size, and as for venue maybe Bracken rocks over a long wekend, good for camping run a comp on the sunday some fun on the saturday night centre of the country we can build 1 or 2 man made sections in the carpark and there good free riding area and areas to test new bikes etc what do you think ???? YMSA
  2. So far many good ideas and input and all taken on board, looks like Novice route is needed as long as its well supported, as somone said it takes a lot more time to lay out many routes and can sometime make it hard to use some very good areas for the trials as theres no were to lay a lower route but we will try. As for dates it now getting harded to not clash with other clubs so many thing to try and miss, and its not just the dates of trials sometimes you get a good date missing other trials then the venue is booked for other sports etc, But we we try very hard to fit in so everyone can take the chance to ride with us YMSA is a long time in trials so we want to try and carry on if possable with your support. keep posting as we are looking what you are saying dont just read and then go away POST. Thanks YMSA
  3. This is just a small tread to give some info and get some feedback for the YMSA trials in 2009, We are hoping to run 2 or 3 events max in this year no club championship just 1 off events in very good venues. Possable events at Hesham in Lancs, this was a venue used last year for a round of the BIU Nationals and was well supported, we hope to have a man made section as last year, good parking and food van there. Second event will be at Bracken Rocks Matlock home of the YMSA and a great venue, again lots of easy parking etc, this event we hope to run over a weekend so for riders and familys to travel with the possable chance of camping at the venue, this may be over a Bank holiday we need to look at the dates. New things for this Year...... We think only 2 routes Pro and Expert so to make very good sections, but we need your feed back here if there is good feed back we will take this onboard and may also run a novice route, let us know, post dont just sit and say nothing and then say later we will be taking a look at the feed back posts over the next 2 weeks and then be posting in the News section all the info for the events of 2009 hopefully with your ideas, in 2004 we ran Tec04 this was a big hit with all rides at the event so we are hoping to move more along these lines in 09. Many thanks YMSA
  4. Adam give me a call asap ok i will help Dave
  5. Take a look 26" , 20" and a kids 20" http://atomz.canalblog.com/ Thanks
  6. Ok guys this is it 19 riders listed here.......... I only have 2 entry forms sent in 5 inclueing my own sons and Rob, not saying that you have not sent them just saying whats here and only 1 person sent a payment. as i have to tell the land owner in advance i am calling him this morning to say its OFF i know we are only 6 riders short but that means the club or me paying out the differance again for the short fall and i am sorry not this time, so i want to say next year we are to look for new ideas on running comps ie what do you want from a comp ?? try and list dowm some ideas for me do you want a club championship ?? or just 1 or 2 big one off trials ?? maybe a big 2 day event ?? Ideas welcome thanks for 2008 not good for the ymsa so we try in 2009 i will work out this years champions and post up later thanks Dave Butler
  7. http://www.ymsa-biketrials.co.uk/news/index.php also entry form on tartybike thanks and here http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....howtopic=124789
  8. just to let you know if we dont hit the 25 min riders mark the event will not run sorry to say i will give an update on friday night to say if we run or not thanks Dave Butler
  9. send in form, day membership on day and pay on day ok
  10. need to know some names guys so we can make plans come on
  11. Danny Butler Ash Butler Rob Poyser Joe Oakley Owen Thornhill Dave Walters Stan Shaw Adam Bessell Robin Morewood Adam Morewood Ryan Trickett Sam Oliver Donna Fox Andrew Walker Steve Rogers Muel Wes Courtney Boumsong Cancelled
  12. ok need to start to get some entries in now so we know some numbers for the day if you guys need to just drop me a mail or pm so this helps us i will take some on the day just asking for riders to pre book thats all Dave B
  13. i have seen most of the footage so far and trust me its all well good.
  14. come on ben lets see some of the natty as well lol nice one mate
  15. just get the forms in dont mind the money on the day thing just need to know numbers so we can sort things out better so come on send them in asap thanks Dave B
  16. We are to run our last round on the above date, if we are to think of 09, dont let us down enter now for this one and bring a mate we will do on the day lics so frist timers can ride, this is so we can look at the club for 09 ENTER NOW NOT LATER thanks Dave go to out wed site or Tarty bike to down load a from NOW
  17. If any one want to look this site gives you a live link to all the results at this week ends UCI World Cup http://live.swisstrial.ch/ Dave B
  18. sorry dont know how to fully add the link mybe some one will but its good haha nice to see someone making a small vid who is not a rider and good to see the work Dan and Ben are doing for trialsin the uk
  19. loved it ..................................
  20. Sorry to say guys but its a no go, i am not going to run a trial with only 12 riders as it has a cut off of around 20 riders to break even, i have been putting my own money into the club for a time and now its time to stop so for the near future its the end. Thanks to all who have helped and supported the event for the last 3 years and thanks also to them who helped kick us in the balls also... yours for now Dave B
  21. ok so this is the problem as of today i only have 7 entries to the trial this is not possable to run the trial if you are coming can you add your names to this list below so i know if i am going to set out as i have to do this on friday pm after work so a long day for me and i am in London all day Saturday and not back till after midnight so a long day on Sunday, so if you are coming and we need about 25 riders min to run, then list below i will look at this around 2 pm tomorrow and then make a decision from there on ok thanks Dave B Danny Butler Ben Slinger Rob Poyser Ryan Trickett Antoni Bennett Jon Congrave Alex Roland
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