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Everything posted by TrashZen

  1. TrashZen

    Awesome Video.

    OK, there is that amazing bmx video from a guy called Corey Martinez, doing incredible street stuff... That's really insane...and very trialsy too on some moves... (Y) nothing to download, it's quite fast...
  2. TrashZen


    Yep I can relate to that....Some days, I think its' called lack of motivation, you think you're gonna hurt yourself stupidly over a move you've done hundreds of times... :P ... But I had the same losse of confidence some years ago, face planting onto a concrete edge, trying to roll over... It's amazing how it took me ages to come back to the same block...But as said Waynio, having your final say on the culprit is the best cure to re-gain confidence. ... (crossing any average road as a pedestrian is probably as extreme as riding trials, but we have more practise :-, hence we 're more confident that's all)
  3. TrashZen


    Yep, as soon as you loose confidence in Trials, you'r dead. Some days are just like that, and I won't pull anything 'cause I become paranoid about my chain, or my fork or the stickers or whatever... (Y) Some other days I just don't care, I feel like trying just everything... (Y)
  4. TrashZen


    OK, V12 are good looking (Y) , but I reckon they tend to loose their screw bits, like these (ok it can take a few years, but still) then, you end up with ultra slippery pedals. But the regular, proven monty type cage pedals (although they look dull) are grippier and more reliable. A nice large grippy cage for plenty of room (Y) , you don't want a X shaped pedal to screw your soles... (Y)
  5. Nope, that's one of the first Koxx prototypes (from around 2000), with a huge hand polished filler at the welds (like the cannondales) It was an incredibly good looking bike from a Belgium rider. Plain crack through the entire tube. (Y)
  6. C'mon don't be a chav! :- That's a trials forum, guess what we talk about (Y) ...hem...trials most of the time :D"
  7. Looks like Trials riding can be risky then? :( What about having amazing mental condition, if you can't trust any bike part? :P Oh, just have to pretend it never happened, like chains snappage that don't really help building confidence... :(
  8. Don't shoot the messenger... :S (will convert the all site into braille) B)
  9. TrashZen


    I reckon there is a lot of technique into pulling large moves, that helps extract 100% of the bouncing effects you can get from a bike (tires, frame etc..) to combine it with your own springiness. That perfect synchronisation would really give you a boost, more than just 1+1 = 2 but some sort of synergy and amplified effect... :) Brute force doesn't work :S I remember a friend of mine starting trials and getting so frustrated on some basic moves, because he was clearly physically stronger than anyone else, but couldn't pull a decent back hop even by pulling like a maniac...And with much less effort, anyone of us were bouncing crazy. B)
  10. That's really amazing B) I'd call them a front-to-back wheel transfer if you pick the front wheel first. Else, if it all starts from a static position, I'd say static hop, but I guess in a conversation, I'd name the moves a different name until I get understood. :S
  11. Maybe you need better fitting gloves :S" I mean, they have to be pretty tight if you want to avoid blisters B)
  12. Still kinda prefer the type of monotubing for the top tube...more room and body clearance than all these monkey cages (Y)
  13. Well, there is the big brother thingy that bothers me a bit (Y)" , like finding responsibles or categorising trials riders into street furniture bashers. :D Whatever info you give out to a government you don't know where it ends up and how it may be used :D And another thing about building special trials park (there has been bmx tracks, skateparks, etc..) it is two folds. Once it's there, you can bet you have no excuse whatsoever to ride anywhere else... (Y) Which means that after a while, as you evolve as a rider, it's natural you want something different, but NOPE! You have a wonderfull zone provided by the council and you should stick to it! And anybody found on a trials bike elsewhere could be rightfully blamed by law enforcement bobs for not sticking to that expensive place that was built specially for you (you unashamed ungrateful citizen (Y) ) (I got that remark often from cops or park wardens, confusing my bike with a bmx and claiming there was plenty of nice purposely built areas for my riding, and I had no right to complain, only it was just plain boring or too far away anyway) Then you get the warnings etc...if they are really nice building the site, they can be really nasty enforcing the exclusive use of it. :- Hence I think it is best if you ask permission for putting up your own stuff in a scrap yard...rather than asking for council planning...
  14. Got my orange rewelded twice, never cracked at the same place... Normally the new welds are a stronger area, so it breaks somewhere else...if at all... >_<" But the welder was a custom aluminium frames builder, so he knew his job... >_<
  15. Well, I guess it depends where you live really. I got addicted to Natural in Spain, 'cause of the wonderful rocks and seaside zones...and it is so much more a mental game (how tricky to get somewhere, what technique, what move will work best, what angle etc...just so many combinations...so much thrill :( ) I ride street more by lack of natural around my place, and also for getting some moves right (you need to learn them square, like the letters before reading a book) :)" Then, some big cities also have enough street ware and hybrid kind of parks with boulders that you can actually mix... :) Will be back to Brittany for some holidays, will bring back some nice pics of natural paradise...hopefully
  16. Ok, Will put it as an idea ^_^
  17. Still, the best grips for sweat are the cork tape from racing bikes, or from tennis rackets....(and they are very thin like the monty and cheaper than anything else :D" ) But it has to be cork, not plastic copy.
  18. Maybe the new brand thing is just a risk free way to try out a new design... It's amazing how many new frames with very slim geometries are coming up ;) (well actually, they all start to look alike now) I kinda prefer my Toxsin though :D (because of the triple tube joint on top of the seat tube, it's a very neat design)
  19. I guess I'd call that a static hop but I haven't see the vid... :)
  20. We're not getting any younger are we? :) When it happens, I feel my days of trials riding are counted... (Y) and I am looking for some alternative of some sort, but then, I get :P if I don't ride trials.... the solution, get technical, not physical :P"
  21. Wowww! :P Such an hostile thread there! I wonder if I really want to get involved into advertising at all then... :) ( I guess for a forum it's different than in a fixed website where content is only edited by the webmaster and no one else, so no devious threads) But some day, I'll probably trash Zen :P , I mean trash my whole website if I can't get any brand to pay at least for its hosting. I like the idea of the Trials forum as a free thing for all users, really useful, and I built TrashZen in the same spirit I guess, purely being passionate about trials and helping out newbies...and it was mostly on free hosting from Tripod... But since I started paying for a domain name, I kinda understand the need for advertising... :P It all gets so political so quickly, that's scary... (Y)
  22. Ok, I guess I should mention it there :)" I've just added 2 tutorial pages on TrashZen One in the pedal hop section for the double bounce pedal hop (moves by Nick Wood and Chai :P ) and one in the climbing sections for the suicidals out there, for the front wheel hook technique (Matt does it , Tim broke some forks on it (Y) ) Else, just added some vids in the tricks section. (mostly by 223Leeson :P ) Hopefully, more moves explained in the future... :P
  23. Couldn't see the pic..didn't work, could you send me a pic for my trashed parts gallery? Id'like to see that ^_^
  24. Same story there...but after riding regularly, it disapeared... :D I guess it's because you start using muscles that you are not used to pull...and those are very strong muscles too...so don't damage them...build up progressively... ^_^
  25. Yep, it's all about balancing it right... ^_^" before you can reverse direction.... Say the last forward hop before backhop, you must make sure you stay really on the rear...last backhop before you go forward, you must keep you body on the front... :- practice practice...
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