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Everything posted by TrashZen

  1. For hosting, www.godaddy.com gives about 500MB and 25GB bandwidth for about 20GBP per year, and I think they give one domain name free the first year. :'( For design, if you know a bit of html, any free software in webdesign mags CDs, or search on the web for free webdesign tools at sourceforge.net :P
  2. Yep, OK thanks for the confirmation. Checked out on some bikes in a bike shop. The clearance on most modern hubs is 15mm, that's double the space. Just need a new hub (nothing is going to be as lightweight as that precious megamo)
  3. None of you has ever had a problem with the inside part (the inside adjustment screw) of the avid brake being in the way of the spokes (even with all the best adjustments)?? :P 'cause I am stuck now, with brakes I can't fit unless maybe I rebuild the front wheel with a different hub. The horizontal spacing (or depth) between the disk holes and the spoke holes is about 7mm on my hub (megamo). What is the clearance on yours??? It was already limit even with the louise magura piston, with the spokes feathering it. In the mean time... riding with no front brakes :D What hubs do you have? What spacing...
  4. Actually no...it's a straw bit on the council lawn.... with a spec of irregular dust on it... (Y) 've just received my avid today... :P
  5. I'll catch you guys a bit later, probably around 1, 'cause I'll be working in the morning. (Y) But we have found another natural riding spot :P no kidding... with big technical stuff...and no cow shit... :)
  6. Natural rocks!!! :) Really nice setting! I think that's what I miss most nowadays, nice awkward rocks...nice vid (Y)
  7. Well, I sorted some bits and bobs from the Cambridge ride from last saturday... :P As Joe suggested, I tried windows movie maker (for the first time yesterday) and made a compiled video of some of the shots.... (Y) It was quite fun editing you can download the 2mn sequence. It's about 7MB in low resolution, in wmv format. Maybe I'll do more video compilations in the future (when I have enough material, 'cause my typical shots are less than 3s long) (still sorting out some pages with the moves) :S Gave me some ideas... :D
  8. Still sorting out some pages for the cool moves of this ride.... :D But compiled video is on its way (first time user of windows movie maker yesterday, never thought it would be so easy, thanks for the idea Joe) It's under the videos section....(on the forum) (Y)
  9. Hi Sam, didn't get that one. I was not ready. Some other time, I'll try to take more real pics ('cause videos give poor pics) But then I need the spare time to ride too. :P
  10. Yep, :D right, that's the misery of natural riding in Cambridge, we were lucky the cows were gone though :D But that was a fantastic ride...good level of riding, excellent atmosphere, and a bit of everything for everybody...discovered some places I didn't know of...will be returning secretly to learn tapping again and try to compete with Wing (who's literally flying :S ) Olly without the tourist crowd...mind that water gap at mill pond some day. (Y) I have plenty of nice vids...will put them on when edited into unreadable, ridiculously small format ( :S the only way I can put them online fast and easy and standard) just some preview pics Joe doing a massive rail gap Olly = sidehop maniac in action Wing tapping mad in lion's yard and Ben selling cheap second hand bikes at Sainsbury Will let you know all when I have refreshed some pages... :S
  11. Just get any racing bar cork tape (not platic but cork like). Cheap, thin, plenty of colours, that's the best grips I 'have had for years and any bike shop has them... :P Can't preach more than that... :P
  12. Should be no problem for me, but in the afternoon only. :) Don't you have nice fancy rocks in whales???
  13. Join the cambridge ride this saturday... :blink: (ok you know cambridge already but...that's where we go this WE)
  14. Ouch (Y) Did the same thing 4 years ago...wasn't knocked out though...picked up my teeth and plugged them back in... :P I know the dizzy feeling...
  15. That's 5 hours on the bike (just about a normal non-stop trainin session for Cesar Canas)...the skin of my hands will be history by then... (Y)
  16. hmm... El Gato IRC tires...those were a revelation for me...better grip and more confidence...and yeah..the 121 mavic...in the good ol' time. (Y)
  17. Yeap...I'll try hard...thanks for keeping the pressure on me... master :- 've been riding only grippy rocks by the seaside for 10 days in a row... can't even remember what square means...let alone rails or other fancy urban decoys... See you all at the skate park then (Y)
  18. Either day is ok for me I guess ... I am just back in Cambridge...That's super cool to have you lots coming over...I reckon we'll have an easier time on Sunday too. :deej: Anyway, what's the plan? 11 at the railway station? or noon at the smallish skate park along side the swimming pool, near parker's piece? We could put up a small map (5mn ride from the station) :bunny: At least, we can gather in a place where nobody is gonna say anything...
  19. I think the best second option is to go riding onto some new stuff...new zone, natural...something that is a bit more challenging your balance than just big gaps and big square steps...that is where you can really play and enjoy yourself without having to go big... (N) I wish I had more natural around...for those days...
  20. OK, maybe you'r announcing it too early... Give yourself some time...but nice logo thingy and title...
  21. I am amazed by the number of very trials specific frames on the market today, real pieces of art...all that CNC machining and spooky shapes... :D I am curious to see in 10 years from now if we'll look back at today as the golden era of trials :angry: ...or if this is just the beginning... (Y)
  22. They do...(I was given one some day) But honestly, the old fashion glue patches are well proven...and what takes time in a repair is not the wait for the glue :shifty: , but the preparation of the tube, and finding the holes...
  23. All is down to more practise...if you are doing 3, then, you are on the right tracks... One way to get the feel is to start with the rear wheel onto a big step...then, you can really feel when you are in balance on the front, or when you would be falling backward (the rear wheel supported on the step) Then , its all synchro from the arms pumping and the legs jumps
  24. TrashZen

    Back Breaker...

    That's when I started to wear a helmet... :)
  25. TrashZen

    Back Breaker...

    It reminds me when I landed a bunny hop right on my back, onto sharp edge brick wall I was supposed to fly over.... :P couldn't walk for 2 days, complete whiplash...but hey...don't we get all wiser after that? :)
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