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Everything posted by TrashZen

  1. Yep, I got some time to sort out my pics and animations, in various tutorial sections. (Y) And also updated the riders' profile section, with more pics and small videos, for Ben Savage, Andrei Burton, Waynio, Thomas Oehler, and Matt. :D That summarises a bit the Cycle Show for me.
  2. Right, I 've got just the page for you then, how to gap to front wheel :P Hope this gives you some idea on how to start. ^_^ I love this move, though it's a bit scary. :lol:
  3. Hi all, Just posted a few pics of the Cycle Show 2005 in the following gallery at http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....lbum&album=1193 Still working out some pages with pics and animations ^_^
  4. Will definitely post some pics when I have a chance to look at them. :S But the riding was excellent, and again, Cesar proved to be a living legend, at 30. :) Will also have some new rider profiles, as I could get some decent illustrations for top notch moves, like front wheel hooks and the like. But it's gonna take me ages. :P (job, girlfriend and trials riding are all fighting over my time) :P
  5. Super cool to see so many are going. I'll be going on Friday I reckon Looking forward to see some urban action. :blink: Though I think Cesar and Vincent can't make it either.
  6. Excellent... , well , I'll have to have some kinda goatee 'cause I can't shave until I can remove the stitches... (Y) But thanks for the advice, maybe the giro semi MX is what I should look at then... will also be looking at some stiro foam chin cups I have seen on the web. Cheers
  7. Yeap, erm Just crashed badly this morning , exploding my chin (Y) (well initially the gnarly corner was aiming for a complete face rework and teeth removal :P , but as I was seeing the harsh reality coming towards me, I lifted the head as much as I could and the chin took the full blast, blood all over my nice frame and 6 free stitches courtesy of NHS B)). Since the first big face plant I had years ago, I was thinking, maybe a full helmet would be wise, then, couldn't be arsed with heavy load on my head plus you can't see properly where you rear wheel lands. Then I am thinking again, are there plastic cups you can strap into the helmet leads (just to cover the chin)? then with a visor, that would cover pretty much the whole face, wouldn't it? Just thinking... :P Any ideas?
  8. Yep, also happened to me. One of the backings just split in half, nearly slammed myself on the ground. This was on a prototype pad. But Steve told me the gluing was improved since then.
  9. Looks like you've got plenty of nice stuff to ride in your area. I love rails, we just don't have enough over here. (N) Very nice pics, cool settings too. (Y)
  10. Yep nice comp... well done Sam.. cool designs as always (check out his page)
  11. Does the a tiny visor help attenuate face-plants? :) Cause even though I never ride without a lid, sometimes, I see a big face-plant starring at me... and the lid doesn't give me any confidence at all. Any one has had a face plant absorbed by a plastic visor? :)" I know it's useless to annoy people with it, I've been riding my first 2 years without a lid... erm... cough cough.. (Y)
  12. same here, water in the bag. Since I bring the tools and camera, would be bad not to have water, no need for salty stuff though. Not drinking at all is insane :'( ... done that a few times... nearly thought I would not reach home.
  13. Yeah, Was about to indicate that page. I found out that you really don't pedal at all, especially in natural trials, where kicking the pedals will only throw you over the bars :'( (if the rear whee is stuck in an angle or a hole). Then in urban settings, if the obstacle is low and the ground all flat, you can boost it with a kick in the pedals, but that would be more like a pedal hop then. :D Then, there are all the combinations between static hop and pedal hop for all sorts of situations. hope it's not confusing... ;)
  14. Hope it's not too late, just on behalf of Chimpy, I am posting his input 'cause he doesn't have access yet to image posting in this section (he is pre-member) But he'd like to share some input so... ;) Though technically, that's more than 2 colours, I think the idea was he used two base colours for the tones. Then some more contrasted versions :'( Probably some way to tune it back to two colours. :D
  15. The Gallery A compilation of previous Photoshop and Flash effects on some cool pics. :lol: But you have probably seen this already.
  16. Just thought you may like that one Photoshoped by Chimpy again, he has the high res version, but I think that'd be only for Kenny though... :lol:" Check with him. He is trying to find out if his photoshop effects interest anyone, bike manufacturers etc.. for possible marketing graphic designs... More of the same on the gallery. :-
  17. Will depend on sun factor :)" ... mostly Would like to come over as it has been a long time since I last rode in London with the local stars ;)
  18. well, got an excuse too, I'm not too sure of my freewheel nowadays, need to sort it out first... :) Will see if the weather is nice too...
  19. Running a nicely scratched and suffering monty fork (well, it is about 2 years now) Touching wood. :huh:
  20. Tough luck. Got exactly the same some years ago (without your skills though). Now, I try to pay more attention to what the pain says... :D Hope you don't go mad (Y)
  21. I would think the Toxsin is slimmer and lighter. Is it? I love the length (1110mm wheel base for me). A complete new feel compared to my old Orange. :( and at last, tapping the front wheel without being vertical. :("
  22. Hi all, For in case of imminent snappage of mine, just wanted your impression on these stock forks. :lol: Echo Hi-Fi (looks like heavy duty) and Echo Urban, that looks much slimmer design, lighter, how much abuse can it take? :shifty: Anyone tried both? Comments on durability, flex, angle etc...
  23. that's 25GB monthly, check out there economic package... Support is excellent, but they don't offer any design help or templates or online tools, but FTP access and all the emails you want.
  24. I thought Wing and I had found these logs just last week...but hey, rideable before the council cut them all... :'(
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