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Everything posted by TrashZen

  1. Yeah, it came up really cool... and didn't look at all like you could damage anything when riding except yourself ... which is good impression I suppose
  2. Is this going to be your only bike and do you want to have dual use? (your initial post about cannondale hinted at that) Because obviously, you can do a lot of trials moves with a good regular mountain bike, with a short frame, and still have a good overal mountain bike for cross country... But if this is a bike you set up purely for trials or you don't care about other aspects of riding.. then, go for a specific geometry like what you can see in the online shops mentioned... you will learn so much quicker, and it will be a completely new sport by itself, rather than trying to play tricks on a regular mountain bike... up to you really. But with 700, you should really get a good starter bike like the Onza T-Rex... Or if you feel confident to assemble one, buy a frame, fork, cranks, second hand and you'll make a top spec bike for much less... Cheers
  3. Ha ha... yeah.. it just stops happening when you decide to wear shin guards Years ago, I used to blame sweat and uncomfort for not wearing them (same as helmet really), but since I realised I could ride more and try out more stuff without fear for slippage when wearing both... I just never go out without my shin/knee combo dainese and helmet. I don't think trials is about cumulating scars... (else we would all be sharpening the grips of our pedals and wrap barbed wire in place of bar grips ) ... its' about control... and anyway, there no room for new scars on my shins
  4. Since yesterday... Was nearly going out today, but exceptionally, overworked Will make up for it tomorrow
  5. Love the natural! and he is a monster... Love the scared bit at the end... ha ha...
  6. hummm nearly tempted to try on my old battered Toxsin...
  7. Never knew the actual pressure... but depends on the terrain, start well inflated, then adjust taking out some air on the terrain until it feels perfect!
  8. Also, flex as much as you can with your calves... they do a lot of the bouncing work to send your body up, then pulling the bike becomes much easier. something like that or like this Any way good luck... Trials only gets better after that....
  9. Spinning endlessly on site... from one wheel to another... that was one of my first tricks
  10. The kerb alongside your home is probably the best starter kit... check out the kerb competitions in the video section. Plenty to play with and discover the bike, and moving it around...
  11. Yep, the only annoying bit with them is the lack of spontaneity... like if you must plan your crashes in order to unclick your feet... Would never use them on anything else than a road or XC bike. But I must say, for having tried, the pull on bunny hops is just amazing , though different
  12. Ok, that's old stuff, still very weird and unrideable... Will be checking this one out locally, someone must know, will ask Royal Mail (they own the boxes), or file a formal complaint for unsafe street furniture
  13. No, it's just plain in the street, plain walls from the house nearby, the first time I saw it, I was scared just to roll over the curb, in case I accidentally headbutted myself into it.. I've asked numerous postmen in vain, but will ask the town council...
  14. Yep, I see an open challenge going on... Anybody tempted? I'll hold the camera... ! so here are a few more shots of the gothic beast (I reckon it should be painted black or deep purple) and after slamming an advert magazine onto the stuff... did no good to the cover... (of the magazine that is...)
  15. Yeah, Actually, I was planning the same thing for my lunch break. I'll post a clearer pic that will dissipate rumours about the rubbery nature of that lid... These spikes are too big for birds to be bothered... it's more meant to ward off rhinoceros or triceratops escaped from Jurassic Park... or ferocious urban trialsters
  16. I reckon it's an arty type of things, probably an obscure project (no postman was ever able to give me a clue to what it was or when it was installed) It's not just a few added studs glued on... it's actual cast iron spikes, entirely part of the whole box... virtually indestructible...
  17. Here is a direct evolutionary response to Neil Tuni's abuse of post boxes... Some of them have morphed into sturdy, hedgehog style designs... (that's no photoshop) Soon the same with benches and rails? This is plain cast iron... and after slamming an advert magazine onto the stuff... did no good to the cover... (of the magazine that is...)
  18. Commitment, and also, if you try to sidehop opposite your lead foot, you'll realise that it lets your other foot free for dabs if you are in trouble, hence, quite safer than going to the same side of your lead foot. Once you know that, you should feel better, you can go full on as nothing really bad will happen to you on that side (except if you climb on very narrow stuff) That's how I beat the mental barrage
  19. I have updated the Trash Zone. Yeap, I was quite please to find better way to sort out pictures of trashed components, let me know what you think... Any decent pics of wrecked stuff you want to send me over, I'll consider for the gallery. Julien
  20. French coppers are plain evil, and they all have guns... you accept fines with a smile
  21. Yeap, typically cop wannabes are more aggressives and discussion goes nowhere. I reckon that not arguing aimlessly or for the sake of it with cops is part of giving a good image of the sport, hence, supporting it. If the cops constantly get abuse from kids on trials bikes, you can be sure they'll pick up the trend, and even ortherwise decent cops will look at you with a bad eye. And the best way to protect a riding spot is not to argue over it, but just move on and pretend this is not a problem (yeah right, it's your best spot in town, tough luck, come back in an hour or at night) For the pavement thing, well, as long, as you are not on a hyperspeed pedestrian killer mission, scaring the shit of everyone, just slow down when you see cops... no argument, everybody's happy. (never got fined in the UK)
  22. TrashZen


    Cool presentation... it's linked in your profile Was that last sunday? Cool pics anyway.
  23. Hey.. cool pics... I missed that ride, was out in the morning, but didn't realise you were in Cambridge... ha well, summer is back now, more occasions...
  24. I think the tramps had as much fun as we did, initially, they were encouraging us so much to climb in the skip and other bits... that' we approached them to include them in the fun... They were completely euphorical after that!!! For the narrow stuff, I reckon, as long as it doesn't cut through the tire, you can ride it.
  25. Yep, even mid february, we could be in T-shirts... the ropes were a tad wobbly... you had to hit them right...
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