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Everything posted by TrashZen

  1. I have landed so many times on it... still running well... good stuff
  2. Yep, I think I know where... Some other pages are under construction..., though I don't want to go too much in the freestyle stuff... Any suggestions?
  3. Yup, I made up that wall ride page from old footage... But will try to have better vids and more examples than just plain boring sloped walls... It's a start... John, are you volonteering for the vertical stuff? (BMX accepted )
  4. I'd check any creaking noise until I know what it is... Every time it creaks, there is a play (very often metal against metal along the grain of a crack or along two assembled parts). That stem had been creaking for about 6 months, but I couldn't see anything... I was checking it regularly for something to show up. It could be the stem or bars (at the stem clamp borders).
  5. for magura setups, invest in a long 4mm alen key (short ones just make it so annoying with the tire in the way of the fingers) a long key makes it all very easy to bolt/unbolt (the L shape is clear above the tire and the cylinders won't move accidentally during tightening)
  6. Actually, it's cracked on all four sides, plus there is a thin hair crack showing on a side of the main stem (it's on the other side of the pic, near the base on one of the flat sides that are CNCd) So I sent it out to Hope, they said they had to check it out before saying anything (cap could be cracking because of overtightening, but the bulk of the stem must be material flaw (I never crashed directly on that stem, only poked my ribs with it ) But still, after two years of riding quite a lot, that's quite good. Will go for the same stuff.
  7. Yep, magura cylinders.... Recently changed my 4 years old handlebars, because didn't feel too good about tempting fate...(though they look intact) but thourough inspection is the best remedy. I had seen some very tiny dark lines on my hope stem.. but was never sure if it was a scratch or something, then with 4 bolds, it was unlikely to detach completely... only became evident yesterday...
  8. Well yep noisy bars... creaking non stop on every move... realised today the stem was shearing off from both holes of the same side ... didn't ride too heavy (to avoid total snappage) But really annoys me, 'cause it was just a perfect set up and I am not sure Hope still make those 15 degree rise, 90mm long... 31.5mm oversize... ok, from checking... that was probably 10degree rise, should find some then...
  9. just the entertainment of trying new stuff... and the physical side of it that drains me to a chill-out mood... open air, simplicity of the setup (it takes me 5mn between deciding to go to ride and actually riding stuff)
  10. Well, what I like is that now, it's possible to go riding after work, without getting frost bites And, well , I just ride either before noon, or after 5pm...
  11. super chilled out... love theses grippy rocks... lucky you 've got the same in brittany
  12. Hi Nick, Ok, editing could have been better etc... but some massive moves there! However willing she could be , I never got any decent filming done by my girlfriend. I'd say, for filming, apart from camera resolution and except for long run up distances like your super cool table top at the end, put your camera on a small tripod or somewhere static. Guaranteed better results and you won't be boring your loved one...
  13. Hey Chris, Nice riding as always. I'll find you some new lines in Cambridge! More wood stuff, since you are really sharp and ride clean. Street looks too easy for you!
  14. Next time maybe if it's still there... the terrain is quite irregular
  15. Today, went out quickly for a lunch break, met up with my girlfriend and put the camera in her hands, automatic serial picture mode... Went better than expected considering she is not too fussed about trials. There was a fresh wood log left over in a park... had to give it a go before this scarce natural resource disappeared...
  16. Really cool pics... Sunny and all.. sharp stuff Joe!!! But you didn't ride?
  17. TrashZen


    From the album: wood logs

  18. TrashZen


    From the album: wood logs

  19. TrashZen


    From the album: wood logs

  20. TrashZen


    From the album: wood logs

  21. TrashZen


    From the album: wood logs

  22. TrashZen


    From the album: wood logs

  23. TrashZen


    From the album: wood logs

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