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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. I tend not to like people who threaten my friends that's all
  2. Mine wasn't cracked when the original headset on the bike was installed, and it wasn't cracked when I installed (and uninstalled) my Echo headset. I think temperature (and temperature changes) might be a factor, but judging from other information we've had I think it could be something to do with the actual manufacturing specifically of those head tubes - which is also un-related to the heat treatment used on them. EDIT: This was Mark.
  3. Can't be bothered changing over to my own profile, so I'm using Ali's I think we've sold 20 or so pairs and we've only had 1 back in that time. The one pair that broke appeared to be a genuine manufacturing defect with part of the carbon, and wasn't really a problem caused by the design of the fork itself. I was initially pretty sceptical of them, but we've sold them to a pretty wide range of riders and haven't heard anything back from them (which is generally a good sign...). If you'd classify yourself as light or smooth (and you're not likely to be going out and throwing your bike or anything like that) then I don't think you'd have any problems with them. To be on the safe side you could always get a longer insert installed - it shouldn't really be that hard to do, and if you've got some connections to anyone with a lathe or something like that it shouldn't be a difficult job at all.
  4. because bike skills don't maketh the man.
  5. extremely impressive riding..... .....he's still a knob though
  6. don't worry, it's a phase you'll grow out of
  7. Ali C

    A Decade

    like RIGHT now? I am 27 years 321 days and 5 hours old
  8. are you mad? He looks way better on stock, this video didn't do much for me at all, riding all seemed a lot smaller and messier than he normally is.
  9. Ali C

    Avid Levers

    I wouldn't consider any lever without the speed dial system, it's totally a game changer!
  10. fair enough, just remember that not all promotion is good, you need to make sure you are giving yourself a good image so just make sure you are respectful and I am sure you'll do well.
  11. as I said I really don't care or mind if you do a bit of self promotion, setting up a fan page is great for that, but just be honest as to what it's about rather than saying it's to promote trials itself. It's also true that it can be tough to get known, the way you handled things on facebook with puttting the link to your vid in someone else's topic was plain rude and could hurt your promotion rather than help.
  12. Ali C

    A Decade

    I didn't do any filming on either of those bikes unfortunately
  13. Ali C

    A Decade

    I had been riding about 4 years I think
  14. that was sweet, you suit that bike very well! Smooth riding and nice lines, I would like more vids from you for sure.
  15. Ali C

    A Decade

    I recently saw a topic where someone posted their riding from 10 years ago, I wanted to do the same thing but I have had to wait until the new year. So yeah, this is me riding back in 2002. Ignore the amount of x-ups, I had just learned them so was rather keen on doing them all the time. I am pretty sure it was Edited by James Hyland, can't say I am particually into the music, but oh well.
  16. I don't mind or care if he uses it for self promotion, that's what fan pages are usually for. The thing is he said it's to promote trials which from what I have seen isn't the case. Also see my comment about his shameless plug when Ashton posted a link to Johns video. There is a way to promote yourself and look good, this isn't the way.
  17. I would consider using that bb, but I can't say the cranks are really my cup of tea. Shimano are just leagues ahead of everyone else in the crank department. SLX, Saints or bmx steel cranks are win.
  18. always a good day when you have a new vid out, sweet riding as usual!
  19. biketrials banter or a place for you to do lots of self promotion? Commenting on Ashton's status about Johns video with a link to your own video saying "if you like that then you'll love this" is a bit of a low blow.
  20. change of plans, I will no longer be watching TV, I'll now be driving through the night to Portsmouth to ride tomorrow.
  21. Ali C


    That, and it looks really nice and is brakeless
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