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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. I disagree with most of what you just said minus the first motorbike bit.
  2. Subrosas are amazing! they are also a pleasure to build.
  3. Heard good things about Stan's Flow, can't go wrong with Mavic's offerings either, but also check out the Spank range. I have sworn by them for trials for the past 3 years as they are just about the stiffest rims going and are a good weight, well worth considering.
  4. doesn't the power for each caliper get reduced the more that are added? The lever currently puts all it's force into one caliper, if you start to add more that power gets split up and shared meaning each caliper produces less power. I could be wrong and theory is one thing and real world use is another, but I think it's un-necessary, heavier, more things to break not to mention the caliper would have to be mounted on the front of the forks, under the frame unless you custom make some.
  5. rings a bell, I think I had one many moons ago, lets see if I can find a pic.
  6. bolts to the other side....do you mean the lever? or the other end of the caliper?
  7. you missed the point, the song isn't bad, but it's over used.
  8. "interesting" use of the Trialtech hose splitters Forks look nice on that bike, bet it rides pretty well!
  9. Ali C

    Mini Master 2

    seriously impressed!
  10. sweeeeet! Could do with some matching tyres, but for a budget build that's very impressive! A good bike by anyone's standard
  11. that is true, thanks Mark! Before Mark, I made my last vid back in 2007, I am not great so I just stopped after that. I decided that crap videos are worse than no videos, not saying Aurelien's video is crap, but just a more of a concious effort to find an unused bit of music would have been better I think.
  12. the thing is all it would have taken was for him to not have used the same song used by 90% of "extreme" sports videos these days. I'm sure he listens to a few bands that would have had something that would have worked?
  13. Ali C

    Cv Help

    it's my goal in life to wait as long as possible before ever having to send a CV, mostly because mine would suck (no GCSE's, A levels etc) not much help from me I'm afraid, but good luck if you change position.
  14. I wouldn't change anything really, may as well practice them as you would normally have your bike.
  15. now who's arguing? this could go on and on an o......
  16. depends how strong the concentration is. When you put it on you may not get a reaction straight away, but you'll see it start to fizz and stuff, you can leave it on for a while, but try rubbing it off after a few seconds (10-20) to start with and see how it goes. Just use a bit of common sense and you'll be ok, you be doing VERY well to ruin the rim either way. Oh, you may find the rim goes a dark brown/black, that's fine, that will rub off with a cloth or polish.
  17. add it to hot water for a stronger effect. I find a tooth brush is perfect for the job, a sponge will probably do too, but yeah, just add it to the water, it may bubble a bit depending on the temperature you use, apply to rim, then rub/rinse off. The join will be fine.
  18. you can't really force a style, if you ride enough you'll get your own it will either be nice, or not so nice, trying to force one usually ends up not so nice.
  19. no snow in Blackpool, bit of ice but not much, I think I'll go riding
  20. Not sure if it's my aids melting my brain, but I am pretty sure he has a 16T on the front hence the reason for this topic and everyone except you giving an answer based on that fact.
  21. check out 5:55 for what I mean. that gap from the block to block is 9ft, so going up to the back of the bench is nuts, he doesn't go up, he doesn't go down, he just goes in a straight line from take off to landing.
  22. There seems to be two ways to gap from what I have seen. The first is how I would say most people do it, get to the edge, preload, get height, extend legs and land. There isn't anything wrong with this technique and it's handy if you need to go over something, but on larger gaps it can make the landings pretty harsh. This way the rider usually twists the bike which can make some landings awkward and less accurate. The second is how some of the comp guys to it (Stan Shaw being one of the best I have seen) where you start off exactly the same, but instead of getting height, you let the bike stay level or in extreme cases (Like Stan) even let the back wheel go lower than the level of the gap. I've seen this technique get some impressive distances. It's a little odd as you actually gap perfectly straight, it also has the bonus of SUPER smooth landings and really good control and accuracy. Not so great if the gap is low or you need to go over something though. Laurence, you are doing the first technique which is fine, it does look like you need to pinch off the edge even more than your second vid shows. That gaps not small though, probably bigger than I can do now so all I can say is practice and it will come.
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