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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. best looking frame they have done for 10 years I think. Geo is much better too, if I rode comp trials I could be tempted by one of those.
  2. "If there are no stupid questions, then what kind of questions do stupid people ask? Do they get smart just in time to ask questions?"
  3. quite surprised, he was rocking out some pretty hard stuff there! a lot of it was a bit "demo" but people tend to like that kinda thing. Keep it up Kenny.
  4. Ali C

    Spoke Nipples

    if you don't get alloy you're a fool. I build wheels every day (usually 10 a day) and I am a huge fan of alloy nipples. I've found that brass nipples being a harder material can bind easier as all the small imperfections of the spoke and nipple rub together and cause friction. With alloy nipples the softer alloy actually "gives way" and gives a smoother turn and higher tension. I've never snapped or rounded one in years of using them and my current alloy nipples are a year or two old and in their 4th wheel build now.
  5. the point of trials is to make youtube friendly vids, get sponsors and get rich obviously
  6. nice one guys, you really do seem to portray the fun that riding is! Blog is sweet too, I'll definitely be following it.
  7. Ali C


    are you questioning your own eyes or something?
  8. The French really are something else
  9. Ali C

    180's ?

    that doesn't make much sense to me....do you mean like an english hop (both wheels at the same time)? If you can't lift your front wheel over a couple of inches I would seriously consider changing your bike set up until you can lift it higher.
  10. pretty sure I saw this about a year ago? My feelings towards it hasn't changed anyway. A few clips of ok riding and lots of clips of mountains, if I wanted to watch a video about the Alps I'd watch a tourist board video.
  11. Works for me? But yeah, it'll be changed...
  12. Ali C

    180's ?

    yup, all about the upper body controlling the spin. With the rollbacks, I struggle with them at times, Mark says it's the hips, that kinda makes sense in my head, just keep the weight back, try not to put too much pressure of the pedals and let the bike do it's thing.
  13. Ali C

    180's ?

    what foot forward are you?
  14. Ali C


    "you remind me of a young Phil Williams" this is a good thing by the way.
  15. Ali C

    K-124 Days

    their plan of moving from Buthiers to stop the UK riders from going sure did work
  16. Ali C

    Andrew Dickey

    pretty awesome.
  17. very "euro" riding, not really my cup of tea, but skilled non the less, editing and music was sweet.
  18. pretty sure the Redbull sponsored riders are not allowed to sell any Redbull clothing including helmets.
  19. swapping concrete and tarmac for mud and grime is quite a difference! I didn't go to win so I was larking about in sections (when I wasn't puking up a lung or pin-balling my way on some of the downhill sections) so I was a little surprised with 4th place, perhaps if I hadn't fallen off when using roots as kickers and got a couple of silly fives I would have won......oh well, Tom Rankin is a worthy of 1st place, I don't mind losing to the likes of him Thanks again Barbara and the group of section setters and observers!
  20. best vid of the year so far!
  21. the trials scene is definitely bigger than it was, just fewer people enter comps.
  22. just had a look at the entry form and noticed that, sounds ideal. Still a little unsure if my Elite status from past comps still stands or if it has expired though.
  23. I've not really been following the comp series recently but last night for some reason I really fancy riding a national round again. Apologies to you Barbara I do always seem to be a little hassle when it comes to comps, I am very spontaneous when it comes to riding (I decided at 7pm on new years eve that I wanted to ride Portsmouth so I drove for 4 hours that night to go there for example) so please don't think I'm doing it on purpose as I really don't wish to add more work for you. I've printed off a form however I do have one question. Back in the day I was seeded to yellow rout, however my skills on natural have corroded somewhat and I am pretty sure yellow will be too hard. Am I allowed to ride red? If not what if I rode "out of class"? I'll ride yellow if I have to so it's no problem, I'm not entering to win anyway, it's all just for fun. Thanks Ali
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