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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. it is annoying when parts are sent out wrong but if humans are involved somewhere sometime mistakes will happen. I don't think you're the hugest fan of Tartybikes from what I've seen, but give them a chance I'm sure they'll come good and sort you out.
  2. thanks guys, over 100 votes now. The top videos right now are closer to 600 so please keep it up!, Family, friends, work colleagues etc, if you can just get anyone you know to vote I would be for ever in your dept You can even do multiple voted from different computers.
  3. not sure I understand?
  4. yeah it's possible, in the small print it does say a panel of judges will be deciding the winner, but the number of votes will be a important aspect.
  5. it's mostly just clips from the MK to BF video, but a brand new clip did sneak it's way in (which you'll know about Carl)
  6. Hi I've entered a video copetition Converse and JD Sports have put on in the hope to win some pretty decent camera gear. I don't currently own any type of recording equipment, so I would love to win this comp and make more videos. All you have to do is click the link below, go to the "Watch and vote" page 4 and vote for my video (yes, they spelt my name wrong haha!). I've entered pretty late so I have some catching up to do, I would really appreciate it if you could take a min or two just to watch my video (only 30 secs long) and vote (or even vote without watching if you wish). I would also really appreciate it if people could share this with friends, as I said I've a little catching up to do. Many thanks!! Ali http://www.facebook.com/JDSportsOfficial/app_216594075137031
  7. Ali C


    if you're having to ask then maybe you're not ready? A bit of speed does help take away some of the impact, but it's easy to "dead sailor" and land harshly.
  8. classic Flipp I actually considered that song for my video, I think it works best on yours though. I enjoyed
  9. Ali C

    Ali's Getaway

    you are actually insane
  10. seem's they couldn't make up their minds what that bike was aimed for. Not very trialsy geo combined with super long stem and small front tyre.....no thanks, no thanks
  11. Ali C

    Ali's Getaway

    Thanks Chimp! I know of two people who are currently making videos with some great riders in as well as myself, so keep your eyes peeled for those.
  12. I can static jump way higher than I can sidehop, but I dislike sidehops so never really do them, true story.
  13. people might think of me as a bit of a bar natzi, but in the real world I'm not that fussed when people run on their bikes, I do kinda enjoy playing with people though, I had a go on James's bike when he was over, I didn't like it (surprise!). I only did a trackstand and some backhops so it wasn't a definitive test ride or anything, but I found it a bit of a handful, trackstands were noticably harder and I didn't find it particually great on the rear wheel either. I found it made my wrists go at an unnatural angle, forcing my elbows out and making my whole upper body stiffen up. Obviously James and Jack can over come this and still have a fairly natural riding stance, but I do see a lot of people who don't and it's pretty obvious when some people have their bars too far forward for their technique to cope with. So yeah, it's not (and never will be) the bar angle for me, but it suites these riders for the riding they do.
  14. is that because she looks like a weird female version of you? video was shit btw
  15. you went above the hight of the wall, then came down onto the corner, that's the sort of thing that will give you punctures.
  16. I don't think it was the drop that was the problem in that clip
  17. Ali C

    Rail Gap Fail Bail

    I thought you were going to get your arm crushed in the gap when the stairs came back down! Nice line though
  18. Ali C

    Ali's Getaway

    Thanks Nick and Ben, getting praise off you guys is always great I didn't fade between clips as I wanted to keep the feel of the film being played through a projector, back in the 60's and 70's it would have been pretty raw and I wanted to capture that feel.
  19. editng was actually very minimal, I just cut bits up and placed them, it's looked very much like that straight from the camera, the film makes it look like that (especially if it doesn't go through the camera properly)
  20. Ali C

    V Brake Setup

    just cut a little bit of carbon (but you could use anything hard) and drilled one 8mm hole to go under the v post and one small 3mm hole for the spring to go in.
  21. without seeing you ride it's hard to give perfect advice, but maybe you could absorb more of the impact by bending your arms and legs more? I wouldn't go any harder psi otherwise your bike will ride very badly, I run 40psi and only get the occasional puncture.
  22. Ali C

    V Brake Setup

    to be fair it wasn't the adaptor that broke on mine, just the post. However, I do find them VERY tall, which makes the whole brake set-up look like some sort of scaffolding. I liked the Neon ones I had, they didn't have as much adjustability as others, but they were fairly low profile and my brake worked pretty well with them. The best solution I have used though is to drill and tap the lower four bolt mount to take an M8 v post fitting.
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