people might think of me as a bit of a bar natzi, but in the real world I'm not that fussed when people run on their bikes, I do kinda enjoy playing with people though,
I had a go on James's bike when he was over, I didn't like it (surprise!). I only did a trackstand and some backhops so it wasn't a definitive test ride or anything, but I found it a bit of a handful, trackstands were noticably harder and I didn't find it particually great on the rear wheel either. I found it made my wrists go at an unnatural angle, forcing my elbows out and making my whole upper body stiffen up. Obviously James and Jack can over come this and still have a fairly natural riding stance, but I do see a lot of people who don't and it's pretty obvious when some people have their bars too far forward for their technique to cope with.
So yeah, it's not (and never will be) the bar angle for me, but it suites these riders for the riding they do.