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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. No offence, but you haven't exactly been riding all that long. When you started trials was probably TGS (taking a guess here). Trials when I started was on XC bikes with the seat lowered and just trying to do cool stuff. When I'm out riding I say I'm riding a form of trials, people see my bike and instantly call it a trials bike.
  2. Fun facts: - When I used to ride BMX at Cantelowes skate park, this kid used to be a skater there. He used to deliberately get in the way of BMXers partly because he was full on anti-BMX and partly because he's a dick. - He mentioned in an interview with a fixie magazine that the thing he liked about fixie riding over skating was that it allowed him to ride more spots. Funnily enough, those pesky BMXs would've enabled him to ride those spots years before he hopped on the hipster bandwagon. This was Mark, not Ali.
  3. Ali C


    I've watched again and there is just something that doesn't quite do it for me, I think it's the length of the lines. I feel you did some really cool stuff and could have rode away and it would have looked really cool, but you carried on and did more which to me didn't really add too much, it almost seemed a little forced. I only say this because I want to be honest and because I know you I feel I can get away with it a bit more, you know I dig your riding I hope.
  4. Votes have slowed down quite a bit, perhaps people don't like cats? I'll try dogs instead. how I'll look if I get more votes: How I'll look if I don't:
  5. Easily my fave GET entry. He does stuff that I would never think of, the edit was excellent and the song was really good too. trails is XC, but I know what you mean and I disagree. Trials is getting your bike over objects, you don't have to gap or sidehop to do that. Sean is doing exactly what trials is, but also throwing in some other stuff into the mix. If this video doesn't win I'll be pretty disappointed
  6. Ali C


    That was cool Nick, those combos look f**king hard! I must admit I wasn't a huge fan of the music though.
  7. it's because it's pretty hard to make the threads on cranks exactly central. Some cranks are better than others, but yeah, it's nothing to do with the freewheel.
  8. I can't see dual disc taking off for stocks, easpecially for comps. The spoke flex just doesn't make the bike as accurate on the rear wheel, plus most comp riders couldn't cope with the extra weight. For mods dual disc is amazing, I would definitely be using it if I rode one. Street 24" is also pretty good, I have 180mm saints and I'm pretty happy with them, sometimes there is a little slip, 200mm rotors could help that, but I'd rather have smaller rotors that are harder to bend. Not too sure if TGS or even comp riders would be overly keen on them as they still don't feel quite as direct as a rim brake.
  9. haha, thanks guys, fingers crossed they won't catch on and disqualify me, if they do, I know where you live! (where I'll come around, give you some lame abuse then we can go riding)
  10. I enjoyed that, great edit and riding, I knew you could make something good and you didn't disappoint
  11. Great vid Ross, some beltin lines in there, edit was crisp too, looked real pro. Want more
  12. I was sad it was so short, sweet riding though I'm glad you entered though, a short video is better than no video!
  13. yeah, just watched this and the main impression I got was how old school it felt........this is good btw! I liked the feel of the video, riding was rad, song went well and it looked all warm and summery. Nice one.
  14. I'll be sad if I don't get more votes
  15. This is how I'll look if you vote for me This is how I'll look if you don't
  16. please vote for my video on page 4

    1. JackMeek


      DONE. Fingers crossed. What about tarty getting you some traffic.

  17. just about 200 votes now, I'm in 4th place, TF has so many members, if just a handful of the total number of members voted I could do really well. If you just spend 6 clicks to get to page 4 and vote that would be awesome, it takes seconds.
  18. they've also had a good 3-4 weeks head start on me which is why I'm spamming everywhere I can think of with this haha!
  19. As I said, it is unfortunate and they do their up most to stop this from happening, but humans are not machines.
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