on the other hand, a high bb for me was/is way harder to sidehop. you have to jump higher than you would with a lower bb (because the back wheel is lower compared with the cranks). I sidehopped my highest on a +10bb simtra (52") yet when I got a +45bb frame, I couldn't do bar height.
I also found higher bb harder to land gaps as the back wheel is more "ahead" of you when landing which puts your whole body weight back. I always landed the gap, then fell over backwards with a high bb. Same with hooks and taps.
Saying that, I am a little old school and always liked rolling about instead of being on the back wheel and I never wanted to put in the time to learn to ride a high bb frame as I just didn't like that style of riding.
+35mm is about as high as I would go on a stock, gives the best compromise I think.