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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. ? I wasn't stirring, I just thought it was funny.
  2. There may be some truth in what the guy said, but it's possible he's just not able to think for himself and is quoting someone or something he heard in the past. most sus forks have some kind of warranty that usually covers rotors up to 180mm, most forks use some kind of Magnesium in the alloy mix to try and save some weight and the disc mounts may not be as strong as rigid forks. I say go for it, but don't be gobsmacked if it does fail if you ride trialsy stuff with it.
  3. I don't understand what you're trying to say.
  4. 78% of 100% of people who tried a V brake thought it was 42% more powerful than a 100% set up Magura
  5. Doesn't mean it's true though.
  6. pretty sure I remember a rep saying that Magura want to use the same bodies from their disc brakes on the rim brakes to save money. not quite sure how that will work as there doesn't seem to be room to fit a 14mm piston. If they do just use the same lever, perhaps this will be the final straw and people will start using V brakes more. No doubt there will always be some after market lever available to please people though (think Echo and that CNCed lever Stan is using).
  7. I had a go on it yesterday, it feels very nice, very dialled. My stubby fingers did struggle with Stan's lever positioning, and the bike felt massive after riding 24" for a while, but it felt super stiff and junk.
  8. Ali C


    not seen that to be honest
  9. Ali C


    it's my least favourite Tarantino that' fo sho
  10. Ali C


    Django Saw loads of people hyping it up on facebook and Quentin is my favourite director so I was hoping for good things. I was quite disappointed, I thought it was going to be good after the first 20 mins or so, but after that it went a little stale. I felt like it should have ended a little earlier, I never really liked many characters (except the German dude) and there seemed to be a few gaps in the story (a back story for Django would have been cool, could have explained how he was such a good shot too). I'd give it about a 6/10
  11. Ali C

    Carbon forks

    Genuinely, he did smash/scrape the crap out of them. The left leg looked really, really haggard by the time they eventually died. But yeah, what you're saying is true
  12. I agree, if I can build wheels, anyone can.
  13. well, I started riding as soon as I was out of the moon boot, surprisingly it hurt less to ride than it did to walk. It really hurt if I failed a move and had to jump off, so my riding suffered for a bit, but I feel it's back to 100% now and I'm not scared of hurting it any more. Plus I can run again now.....which is nice.
  14. I think it looks pretty tame, but it was an awkward break that took 8 weeks in cast and another 4 weeks in a moon boot support thing but it took about 10 months until I could walk without a limp.
  15. 15 mins is my record and I'd say it was as high quality as all the other wheels I've done (well most, some Echo rims have been terrible). No point spending more time on it than needed however I must admit that 15 min wheel was dishless and the rim was really straight which made my life easier. Wish I got £9 per build too, that would be nice.
  16. cool, cheers for that, those darn slippery logs got the better of me. Thanks for the cool event again though, I still enjoyed myself up until that point
  17. loving the bike, those Saint cranks seem to really work well with it! Very nice. I lived in Hebden Bridge, ridden Halifax a couple of times, never found it that great personally.
  18. haha, go eat a bag of dicks. I have posted in video topics praising people's riding, I tried to help in the shoe thread and I helped in the cast thread in chit chat to name a few and I often get PMs asking for advice. I'm just not afraid of telling it as I see it on other topics. It would be pretty boring if everyone thought the same way.
  19. I also post about happy things, but people are less eager to point those out.
  20. so is watching people think they need to ride the same bike setup that only seems to work for one, maybe two people and then have it ruin their style and make them worse only for them to ignore advice that's been put out there to help them. Plus, I've never said Carthy looks bad, he's a rare one who seems to be able to use it and still not look like he's constantly trying to tense his pectorals all the time. BUT, I have 4 words I use for myself and others which might not always be popular, but always seems to be true in the end....You'll get over it.
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