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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. I would advise you to stay clear of half link chains, they have bent plates which tend to want to be straighter when used with high torque, which means they stretch loads then snap. For the best chain going, get yourself one of these http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/chains/kmc_z610_hx_332_inch/c7p11539.html
  2. Ali C

    Glossy (+Crashes)

    best yet, that was awesome!
  3. a riding CV, as in listing you're previous accomplishments, comp results, videos, etc
  4. speed dial on the SD7 is awesome, but probably more useful on a V rather than a BB7
  5. I feel this may have opened some flood gates
  6. I'm not too sure then, I've never run a vee without a grind. I'd say follow Ben's advice though as his back brake worked pretty well when I tried it.
  7. go for Shimano LX arms, not so shit that they fall apart, not so good they cost the earth plus they are pretty slim which gives you more room for pads and a wide rim. I'd really recommend TNN LGV pads if you're running a grind, best performing pads I found plus they are some of the narrowest too which also give more room (room to set up brakes is a good send at times). I'd also highly recommend getting a booster, the brakes won't half as good without one.
  8. I have no reasoning why it shouldn't be allowed, though forcing churches and vicars to do things against their wishes seems a little harsh so I'd think a marriage at a registry office might be a good compromise. My mum used to be a super intendant registrar and used to do civil partnerships. now these are fine and give you the same rights as marriage (as far as I'm aware) but I guess some people prefer the whole marriage thing and I think they should be allowed if they want.
  9. well if you want to be included I do agree with your post
  10. I was 26 when I swapped to street trials (I'm a few days off 29 now), I know you don't want to compare but I'm not really a fast learner, it takes me a long time to learn new stuff but the simpler side to street seemed to come fairly easily, it's all about the flow. Once I had an Inspired I never rode my comp bike again. It may just be what the doctor ordered. (not sure why it's randomly quoted Revolver)
  11. How old are you out of interest?
  12. I'm tempted to order some spokes off him and see how it goes
  13. I've never heard a snapping tube make a 'Deng' noise.
  14. Ali C

    Echo SL forks

    that depends on your riding. I was talking about how Dez said "I take it you mean the ones on TA" but the first post said it was about the 20" forks on the Echo Lite.
  15. 25.4 clamp yes, never slipped when I used it with a shim and 31.8mm stem though.
  16. I ran those bars for about 4 months last year, they started off a nice shape, but ended up pretty horrible. If you're after bars, NS Proof bars are my current market favourites.
  17. how gutted are you that you didn't calculate your chainstay length with the gear ratio you use?
  18. to get slightly back on topic, here's a cat trying to ride a Crewkerz
  19. you can post pictures too if you want
  20. haha, need someone else to bid on it for you? They are pretty good.
  21. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/VINTAGE-SALSA-V-BRAKE-BOOSTER-FOR-MOUNTAIN-BIKES-VERY-RARE-ORANGE-TAKE-A-LOOK-/350703627078?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item51a790ab46 They say they'll ship world wide, I'd really try and get that if I were you. They are wide spaced, loads of room for big tyres and are pretty stiff, I loved mine.
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