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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. no no, Vincent is now worse in my eyes. I really liked Fontenoy's style though, looks casual and I like how he exited a few of the sections too.
  2. making those moto sections look pretty easy! Pretty cool that they get to ride there, i would have killed to have the chance to ride an indoor moto comp back in the day. I'm not impressed with Vincent's style though, in fact I'd say it's pretty much the worst style I've seen for ages!
  3. I'll do that if you kindly stop posting utter shite all the time...thanks Not that I actually troll Jaf threads
  4. you know most frame don't have those right?
  5. I was talking about Marino not you Josh, I don't doubt that was as heavy as you state
  6. Heat treatment is a weird one, sometimes it can make a frame weaker. Federal used to offer a frame as standard, or for a little more heat treated, the heat treated ones had way more warranty returns so they ended up taking away the heat treated option. That doesn't look like a Euro bb in that pic to me, but it's a little tricky to tell. Also that's not a direct comparison to the "test" (not exactly scientific haha) that Jaff did as the frame isn't on a surface. I also very much doubt it had 0mm flex, unless it wasn't with his full weight?
  7. Is that a BMX frame, rather than one of his trials frames?
  8. I can see braces (or bridges as they are actually known as)
  9. might pop down, not decided yet plus I might have demos that clash.
  10. punctured mine first ride and a lighter just ruined it completely
  11. shorts and shin pads are just the worst looking thing, sorry to be all style natzi but it's as bad as wearing lycra in my eyes. However to actually be helpful check out G-Form shin pads, lightest slimmest pads I've used and still offer decent protection
  12. you'll make millions if you make and sell a fork like that!
  13. well,... the forks look like they are only 1.5" for the lower part of the steerer. I would have made it taper more gradually. The crown area where the legs are welded on tapers back down to normal size. I would have kept it the same 1.5" all the way down, keeping stiffness and having a larger weld area for the fork legs. The headtube is only 1.5" for the lower part. I would have tapered it more (like the steerer) which would look nicer, be stiffer (marginally) and allowed for a larger downtube weld area and possibly larger tube it's self. As it is, it's just a normal pair of forks and a normal frame that happens to have a lower 1.5" headset. It seems like a missed opportunity to fully design a frame/fork to make the most out of it. I'm no engineer, but it just seems like a lot of good ideas have been missed.
  14. But then that's just a heavier, flexier version of forks already out there.
  15. 1) heavier 2) crap turning circle 3) uglier Worst idea ever.
  16. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=cleep
  17. another company that hasn't utilised a tapered steerer tube to it's full by the looks of it? I do like the overall shape of it though.
  18. Ali C

    Hans Rey?

    have you or haven't you? if you have then please don't share
  19. I suspect it's more of a natural reaction than a thought out "I need to pull my bikes now to spin faster". Brakeless in parks for me please.
  20. Love it! But I think I'll love just about any vid Chris puts out. Those lines at Shipley are pretty large too! The bike is an old Megamo
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