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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. Ali C

    Brakeless edit!

    he is oddly enough
  2. That picture was to just take the piss out of Bing, they are giving a funny look and trying not to laugh...
  3. Ali C

    Brakeless edit!

    He's not on an Inspired, plus I know of some Hull rider who is fairly vocal about his feelings that Inspired's are not trials bikes only to be beaten at a comp by a rider on a Hex.....go figure.
  4. Ali C

    Brakeless edit!

    this old argument...... Firstly, if he's coming from a bmx background then it's not too surprising that he's going to be doing stuff like this. secondly who can say what is or isn't trials? Being able to ride over anything in your path is what makes a good trials rider, be it rocks, pallets, logs or yes, even ramps. I don't think there needs to be a defined line between what is or isn't trials, why would it even matter? He's having fun on a bike and I think that's more important than putting everything in a labelled box. When I started trials, bikes resembled "street trials" bikes of today and riders would ride comps, street and ramps on the same bike and that's why trials is so great, there isn't and shouldn't be a right and wrong way of doing it.
  5. Ali C

    Brakeless edit!

    You see, I get labled a TGS hater despite actually enjoying a good tgs video, then you come along and put comments like that possibly discouraging a fairly new young rider.....think about that.
  6. Ali C


    yeah I totally agree, it IS crap :wink2:
  7. Ali C

    Brakeless edit!

    sweet, keep it up
  8. I was talking about total weight of normal luggage rather than just bike allowance. Last time I flew I used my cardboard box wrapped in tape to waterproof it a bit and a skateboard attached to make it easier to pull. With my bike and clothes it came1kg under the total allowance (which was handy). I may be mistaken with the weight though, it could have been 22~kg My box with padding.loads of tape, skateboard and innertube handles came in pretty heavy, I think it's not impossible to have a box made at roughly the same weight.
  9. Flipp was saying that the old Marino frames were strong too, so if anything it was a 'pro Marino' post rather than trying to say 'Screw Marino, buy JAF'.
  10. just thought with a curved end you might be able to pass it off as an instrument, but It's no big deal if that's harder/heavier to do.
  11. the old bike bag I used to use was close to15kg on it's own and even a cardboard box when taped up and padding fitted (and a couple of other mods) ended up weighing more than the bike did. the usual luggage allowance I've found is 32-35kg, so if you work out the combined weight of a case and bike and find it's less than that then I'd say it's alllllll good
  12. can they be made with curved ends? Like a wheel shape
  13. I'd be interested depending on the price, I travel a couple of times a year and just don't have the space for a bag at home. I's say make it as small as possible while still getting long frames in. Most bike bags are designed to take bikes up to DH size and that's just not needed for trials bike. I don't mind taking my wheels off if it means it's uber small. It would also have the advantage of being lighter and less likely to give you excess baggage costs. Would be cool if it was disguised as something else, I know some flights charge more for bikes than say golf items.
  14. Ali C


    I'd take the 10 degrees backsweep but not the upsweep Every bar company should include total rise. It's like supplying a frame and not telling all the geo.
  15. Ali C


    You'd look at up-sweep too. It's like those Trialtechs. if they were measured like the rest of the world they'd only be a 2" maybe 2.5" rise bar, but in reality the important bit where your hands actually go are more like 3" rise. I'd rather know where my hands are going to be rather than where some bent bits of tube are. Same with Da-Bombs, I'd rather know they are 100mm (or whatever) tall where my hands sit rather than 75mm where my hands don't sit. Once I see how tall a bar is, I can then look at the angle of rise to see if it's wrist friendly or not.
  16. Ali C


    Measuring bars by only using the rise of the bend is silly, I got so frustrated trying to find a bar last year because you can't use that measurement to work out which bar is the tallest. Using total rise is the only sure fire way of working out which bar is the tallest.
  17. I think a few people will get it and that's cool with me
  18. http://rideukbmx.mpora.com/videos/bsd-in-the-streets-of-israel.html wow!
  19. Ali C


    I've never had a disc brake that works as well in the wet.
  20. I just swap mine out for allen key style bolts.
  21. just had some news that could potentially make me very very happy indeed!
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