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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. should have given them back with some feedback then
  2. it's only as dangerous as you make it, I get hurt just as much with brakes than I ever did brakeless. You can't just claim it's dangerous just because you did it wrong. Riding brakeless with brakes is isn't the same. I probably sound like an old record repeating itself but it's true. It's like a sighted person pretending to be blind by shutting their eyes. To actually go on the back wheel it's a very careful balance of weight and pedal pressure. Facing uphill makes it easier but it's possible on the flat too (and dowhill if you provide some backwards momentum first)
  3. Spins are driven from the rear wheel in proper hops (IE non english hops) so the closer the bb is the rear hub the faster the bike reacts and the easier spins will be. There is a compromise though as too close and the bike becomes really nervous and harder to control.
  4. one of the great things about having 26" wheels on on a bike like the Hex is you have a huge choice of tyres: Maxxis Holy Rollers Maxxis Larsons Schwalbe Rapid Rob Geax Booze Schwalbe Table top Schwalbe Big Apple Maxxis Crossmark DMR Moto RT Maxxis DTH Schwalbe Racing Ralph Specialized make a good streety tyre too
  5. not true, shorter stays = more spinny happiness. They also make hops easier but potentially sacrifice max height by a little.
  6. think my brain just melted......
  7. That album sucks, but check out their self titled album, all the songs are good, especially "glass half full of wine" I still quite like some Kean songs
  8. Gilles style is instantly improved on that bike and he still can ride like a beast, those are some of the toughest looking sections I seen!
  9. I like it, the whole idea and how it has been pulled off is perfect! I think it was hard work for everyone involved but it's something really great that can be enjoyed for years. I personally like the twister ride, kicker to backwards hook to fakie nose roll and the block topple to sidehop.
  10. I f**king love that speedrace! These are my personal most hated ugly bikes:
  11. Just sorting some time off work, but i should hopefully be there Edit:time successfully booked
  12. that was pretty cool, some nice lines. Riding style is a little "hoppy" for my liking, loads of correction hops when fewer or non would look a lot nicer
  13. I tried to enter a comp brakeless once, but wasnt allowed in the end, i would have ridden blue route which as far as i can tell is still trials brakes or no brakes. If your sole aim is to be a competition champion then brakes are very handy, but competitions dont make up 100% of the trials spectrum.
  14. There is a difference between having brakes and not using them and brakeless much in the same way as someone being able to see but keeping their eyes shut is different from actually being blind.
  15. good point, they are not cheap
  16. should have gone Spank Spikes, best rims ever and one of the only advantages 26" has no 24" option)
  17. me too, they didn't give me shit when I emailed them about rims
  18. it was good, definitely a step in the right direction for companies, but I found it dragged a little. I'd have liked less taking and more riding, keep the pace up a bit. I was a little disappointed that the final "banger" was a failed 360, most videos build up and have a final great move to finish off with.
  19. no, I had them on for the tour too. Check out NS Proof bars too, 25.4mm clamp so you'll need a shim but still some of my fave bars ever
  20. doesn't to me I guess the believers don't need much proof and the non believers will never have enough, I don't see an agreement happening.
  21. nah, not buying it. It seems a lot of conspiracys are so far fetched that they borderline ridiculous. The idea that people believe such complex covered ups are more believable than a "simple" bombing is weird to me. I wonder if governments get annoyed being accused of such things or if they like the fact some people think they are capable of them?
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