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Ali C

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  1. Ali C


    I really like Akira, so well done and pretty mental story. I also like Cowboy Bebop, has a great feel to it and I like how it's drawn. I used to watch Dragon Ball (Z) with a passion, it wasn't as good when it went to the American animators but I still followed it. Paprika is immense too, well worth a watch if you've not seen it, same goes for Venus Wars, I really like the 80's Manga style.
  2. Inspired Hex, especially if you're a beginner and want to actually learn some vital skills before going too radical on the geo.
  3. because BMX is rad, and so is trials, bmx's have good geo (short chainstays, highish bb, steep head angle), an easier gear would allow more trials moves and so would brakes. A longer frame would be needed, maybe like a 21.3 or something. Most streety 20" bikes are still a bit too trialsy for my liking, long stem....why?
  4. there are ways to get the correct gear
  5. I think a long bmx with a disc mount and trials gear would be such fun! I'd love to try it but I'm scared I'd like it too much.
  6. wow, that's pretty amazing haha, I especially love the artist repeated on two drawings doing the same motions that have no relevance to the actual frame.
  7. can't go wrong with either, the Skye is super stiff and has a short reach but it has a lower bb and slacker head angle which will make it stable but slightly less flickable than if it was higher and steeper. The short reach does counter this a bit though so it's not exactly hard to spin. The Arcade is a bit higher and longer (and still stiff), but the idea is that you can use a shorter stem to get the same feel as a shorter bike with a longer stem (so you could use a 50mm stem on the Arcade and it would feel close to a Skye with a 70mm stem). I use a 70x35 stem on mine and I'm 5'10ish and I find that pretty ideal. It has a higher bb too which makes spins from the back wheel a little easier.
  8. I've also got a picture of one of your bikes on my computer which I think is better looking than any so far (the one from Dunkirk)
  9. it's on the internet so it must be real!
  10. got 10 cases of Redbull currently in my van. Do I sell them to students for £1 a can or give them back to Danny? The only reason they are in my van is because neither myself or the delivery driver wanted to carry them up to the top floor of the building.
  11. Decent cables all but eliminate any flex, inner cables don't really stretch anyway.
  12. been wanting to watch Hibernation for years! Pretty much the first video I was ever in
  13. says more about the trials world than about me I think I'll mix it up next time for you though
  14. Ali C

    Coust pads

    they are a different colour because (I imagine) Steve cuts the material with a knife which leaves a glossy finish and the cousts cut and then shape the pad (with an abrasive) which leaves a duller matte finish.
  15. learn to do it the other way then....I did
  16. yeah, I have to tuck to the side like mad to avoid the rear wheel. I tried some hops on a bmx recently and it does seem harder, not as much leverage and the bike is lower to begin with.
  17. I'm sure they've done higher? I've done over 48" and I'd consider them to be far superior than I am at it. Wasn't it over 50" when he did it at simple session?
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