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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. I used to snap ordinary chains quite often on a 22-19 set up. I was worried about using a 16-14 set up due to the snappage issues, but when I got the smaller set up, I also got a kool chain and its been the least hassle of any drive chain I have used.
  2. I have used the azonic x frame pedals, they where super, GREAT grip, real stiff and plenty light. BUT I snapped off one of the corners when my brake slipped on a gap. If it wasnt for the strength, I would still be running them.
  3. I was searching google images for pussies (Y) and this pic came up, I thought it was rather funny. Below it is a description of the pic.
  4. yaay, I am missing my comps. I love back cowm, its my local (Y) see y'all there
  5. I am flattered that my name has made an appearence but I think it has no place in this topic. I have to say I think Akkers is the best rider at the mo, he may not be world champ, but he can ride any kind of trials, he kicks ass at street and natural and amazes me with what he can do.
  6. I am soooooo close to doing a 8 and a half foot gap near my house, I land on it but my weights too far back and I have to jump off. I recken I can do about 7 ft 11 most times
  7. Ali C

    Pc Game Cheats

    aaaarrgggghh!! this is really pissing me off now! I have got the target thing into my head (it still wont let me do that untill I have done this next bit below) but I just cant do the DevMode.lua replacment thing :o I have copied the DevMode.lua file, but I am having trouble finding the main directory, I think I have found it, but I aint sure if its the right one (I pressed "find target" and it led my to a file just called far cry) If I click on that once and press ctrl+v it just puts the copied file in the overall folder. If I double click on the far cry file, it will just open the game. Is the name "directory" just the main game file? I would put screen shots, but its on my nice fancy computer upstairs.
  8. Ali C

    Pc Game Cheats

    I aint as far as that, I am in the caves but I have next to no life, the guys just keep on comming! I tryed the cheats, but I couldnt get them to work. When I put the code in the target and tryed to click apply, it said the target wasnt correct and wouldnt let me do anything :closedeyes: I have found the DevMode.lua file but how do I move that to the main far cry directory and overwrite the main file? as you might have guessed, computers aint my strong point lol
  9. no snow oop north where I am. Only clear blue skys. I would be out riding if it wasnt for my hands :closedeyes:
  10. Ali C

    Pc Game Cheats

    cheers guys, thats a lot clearer, I will try it on my computer in a min :-
  11. Ali C

    Pc Game Cheats

    some people get more fun out of a game when cheating than playing the game its self
  12. Ali C

    Pc Game Cheats

    I have got Far Cry on pc (best game ever!) but its very hard and I have been stuck for ages at a cirten place. I have found web sites that tell you cheats, but they really confuse me. "open the console (the ~ or TILDE key)" What the hell is the console? and why when I press the ~ button nothing happens? Also, whats the TILDE key? this site confuses me............"Move the DevMode.lua file to the main FarCry Directory overwritting other file. Start game by adding the '-devmode' parameter" what the hell does that mean? :- cheers Al
  13. I am using some kenda blue grooves stick-e at the mo. They are pretty good, not as grippy as maxxis, but last longer. The 2.35 is on the small size.
  14. I think it looks ace, I love the colour. I presume he has high bars because it has a higher bb. top stuff :huh:
  15. if you REALLY want to get a new rim, get your self a Tioga Team dh fro chainreaction. They are 35mm wide, welded, double eyeletted and under 600g (even lighter when drilled). I have one with 22mm holes on the front and its mint, best rim out maybe oh, and its black anodised (with a white strip of paint, but that can be removed)
  16. pah you wimp, I have been riding with my hub like that for the past 6 months :wink2: maybe its worth getting a heavy duty axle?
  17. I is 20, 21 on friday, booooooooooo!
  18. Ali C


    My name is Alastair but for short I use Ali (because Ala wouldnt look as good) I then remembered Ali G so I thought the C from Clarkson kinda sounds the same so might be a bit funny....................... ALI C was born!!
  19. Ali C

    The O.c.

    I have heard the name before, but I have no idea what it is? care to enlighten me?
  20. Ali C

    Car Insurance

    are you under 25? your rate seem really cheap
  21. Ali C

    Car Insurance

    cheers for the help guys I aint sure if the insurance will like the "turbo" word :P and the peugeots seem quite exspensive Are Kangoos and Berlingos counted as vans?
  22. Ali C

    Car Insurance

    cheers johnny boy, I will look into it. Anyone reccomend a nice car? I have about £1500 to spend
  23. Ali C

    Car Insurance

    as some of you might know, I now have a driving licence. I was looking to get a small van to pootle about in, but the insurance seemed to be about £5000 from most places :- . I am now looking to get an estate of some kind (any thoughts?) and was wondering if any one on here recomends anyone to insure it? I am going to do a pass plus soon, that seems to knock about 50% off the cost. Ta very much
  24. I am 21 in 5 days, I still feel like I did when I was 10 though, dont ride as much as I should though, hopfully when I get my car that will change. I have never had a job, I did a few years of college but I stopped that because I hated it.........dam
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