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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. arr, yeah your right... I took a bb out at work today lol, you would have thought I would get it right ont net >_<
  2. sorry dude, monty arnt ti frames, the ti just stands for titanium bolts and spokes.
  3. I have a friend who has one and I have had a few goes on it. To be honest, I hate it (sorry chris >_< ) It just feels wrong, everything is harder except rear wheel control, which is too easy. The main thing that gets me is that the rear wheel is in a completley different place to where you think it is, like in sidehops, I thought I had gotten high enough, but infact my body position was the same, but the rear wheel was a lot lower than I am used to. same with everyother move. I gues you could get used to it, but I dont see the point, it doesnt make the moves easier with the bb up there. I also think a high bb totally sucks for natural! When on uneven surfaces you need all the balence you can get, with the high bb, your centre of balence is too high, I just tend to fall off on really siple things. I'll stick with my normal frame ta
  4. to clear things up..... drive side undoes ANTI CLOCKWISE non drive side undoes CLOCKWISE
  5. I for one couldnt give a shit about grades!! I dont want some big job where I am under preissure and have to work long hours. I just want a simple easy job, somthing that if I do somthing wrong its no big deal. Its a good job I dont care about grades, as I dont have any. I didnt do any gcses. But even if in the future you wished you had gotten higher grades, theres no stopping you taking the exams again? or going to college or uni. You dont HAVE to do all this now. I actually think your parents are pretty mean, putting you under all this preissure. My parents are happy as long as I am happy. If that means not doing any exams, they will understand that and let me get one with with what I enjoy doing. But maybe my parents are going easy on me sa both my brother and sister are now doctors in their chosen subject, 2 out of 3 kids isnt bad >_<
  6. my expiriences with hopes has been bad to say the least. I am now on my 5th avid caliper in two years, and the power with my current one is crap. By far the best disk I have used is a magura marta and that was just a 160mm disk too. I also recken magura calipers are much better for the harsh world of trials. The hopes and most other calipers have the hose going in the side with a 90 degree connection, the magura has the hose going directly in the top, so you cant hit it on rocks (like I did with my hope, ending my ride!!) the only bad things about the marta is the lever blade, hit it and it wobbles like a bitch! So do your self a favour and stick a shimano xt lever on isntead. Also....get the 180 rotor.
  7. well, I recken the levelboss rides a million times better than a python. The zoo is the worst trials specific frame I have ever ridden.
  8. does he do v brakes mounts o forks too? I have two forks I would like 24" mounts on. And does he supply the mounts?
  9. wall rides manuals bunnyhops I recken those are the main moves, then just put them together as the street lets you....EG bunnyhop up wall to manual into walride up a ledge to manual to 180 bunnyhop off. thats streety but only using the basic 3 moves combined.
  10. You can ride a long bike like a bmx. Just getting a high bar and stem will make bunnyhops and spins much easier. Look at bucky, he has a long pure and can bunnyhop it like a beast. I would love to do all the fast bmxy stuff, but my main bike is far to compy (low bar is the main factor). I am in the middle of making a 24" so I can just go out and have a blast. I just need the last little bits like frame and wheels (Y)
  11. missed it because of the dam job centre, good job it will be repeated within an inch of its life though (Y)
  12. I love it, I will be watching, until I then have to go to the job centre for a meeting at 2 (Y)
  13. Ali C


    Pete Wright says - Take a sheet of kitchen towle/or toilet paper, fold it over and place behind back of stud over the flat backing. Push forward and hold with finger and hold your lip. Unscrew ball, spike etc with fingers. Should it not then also use paper towel on that too and again push hard at both. A warm shower just befor removal can help. A piercer will only and should only use the paper towel method, and will only use a set of forsepes in extreme cases.
  14. I have a few "arty" ones, not really panaramic but pretty nice anyway :S thre are more in my gallery, I also have the fullsize ones if you want them.
  15. best natural places for me = kebs blackstone edge back cowm quarry lake ogwin porthcawl best snatural = blackpool best street = manchester huddersfield preston
  16. I am sure someone has already said (its late and I dont want to look through 3 pages) but I recken a Leeson would be puuurfect. You could ask for the exact geo you wanted, frame size, saddle, everything. bit exspensive though
  17. I am a pretty much natural only rider, but due to lack of transport I have been riding a bit of street. I rode some railwaylines the other day and did some cool stuff (to my suprise as I thought it would be a lot harder) When I said the stuff he does isnt hard, I dont mean anyone can just go out and do it, but if I had a few weeks to practise, then a good few of the moves could be done (not all because some are rock hard), it took me half an hour to learn to rear wheel a wall, drop to bash, then go to rear again. I am building up a 24" bike at the mo so I can go out and do streety/bmxy stuff as my bike is deffo not setup for that style. so in conclusion: he is a VERY good rider, does some really sick stuff, but I dont think its as good or as hard as a lot of people make it out to be.
  18. didnt like it. He is a good rider and when I am out riding I try not to do many corection hops. but theres just somthing about him that puts me off. his style of riding isnt that hard, just get a nice short bike and voila! I remember watching him in revoloution and evolve and cringing when he landed drops like a sack of spuds :turned: but I am sure hes better at them now.
  19. I ran some 3" manitous on a pashley, but it was setup as a dirt bike then. I was pretty nice, but I deffo wouldnt have wanted to ride trials on it.
  20. Ali C

    Island Style

    sorry guys, I thought it was one of the crappest vids I have seen. I spent aaages downloading it watching once (barley) and was really dissapointed, I then deleted it.
  21. sure thing tom, we can have a little comp :ermm:
  22. ayeup...........the train either gets in at half ten or half eleven. I am wanting to get the later train, but I nedd to tell waddy. cya there
  23. yeah, us lot from middle country will try to get at preston station at 11ish, if theres no one there I will ring merlin riders mobile. I cant wait, although my bike needs some attention, I am gonna be sneaky and do it at work tomorrow (N)
  24. bestest frame in the whole wide world that I have ridden is a koxx kenny beleay
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