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Ali C

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Everything posted by Ali C

  1. Ali C

    Ali C in Cardiff

    cheers Ross! That family was odd, the mother was taking photos and getting all flirty with Mark while her manfriend just stood by. Can't say I noticed where the kids hands had been but I feel I'd have had to take a hit in the line of duty anyway. As Mark said, I really didn't enjoy my rear Hope, it worked pretty well with an after market rotor on, but I put a new 180mm trialzone rotor on a few days before the trip and it just never felt as good, I definitely didn't trust my life to it!
  2. Ali C

    Ali C in Cardiff

    I've had these brakes since February and that lever is the only thing that's gone wrong, what you've seen is just the end result, you haven't seen the crashes and punishment they've taken (I tried a backflip but ended up sending the bike over 10ft in the air and it landed directly on the lever, I'm amazed there wasn't more damage!)
  3. Ali C

    Ali C in Cardiff

    and because they're not made any more. Maguras are the only other brakes I trust with my life.
  4. Ali C

    Ali C in Cardiff

    it is on both counts yeah
  5. this is awesome! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4whQl9Hf1K0
  6. do I do that? I just said it in my head and I'm sure I say just cereal
  7. Using "less" instead of "fewer" gets me going. "there were less people here this time" That implies the same number of people were there, just less of them as if their limbs had fallen off or something. Putting an "S" at the end of Tesco! "I'm of to Tescos" is wrong, the only time it works is if something belongs to Tesco. It's like saying "I'm off to Asdas" or "lets go clothes shopping at Tk Maxxs".
  8. Ali C

    Ali C in Cardiff

    Thanks for the comments guys, I'm glad it's gone down so well!
  9. I don't think the ~12ft fall directly (and I mean DIRECTLY) to the lever helped
  10. http://youoffendmeyouoffendmyfamily.com/funny-asian-t-shirts/
  11. Its in your hands to make it perfect with no bad points, you seem to want feedback yet you then complain when you get it. It's a good frame with a bad name, it's not like it costs any more or needs some complex tooling and design work to correct....it's just a word.......just choose a less shit one
  12. I like the frames, but the name seems a bit lazy. It's like you've just gone to a dictionary and plucked a word (or a noise as the Cleep seemed to be the case). Most people would think about names that represent what the frame stands for, as you would a business name (but then again you seem to have just come up with a random noise for that too). If it ends up the word is French then that's cool, it's a French company so it would be fitting. Inspired found a word that gives a certain image and sense of what the type of riding they are intended fore even before you see them. The Arcade was named as most of the testing was done in Blackpool which has a lot of amusement arcades plus riding the bike should be fun like playing a game. "Jealousy" doesn't make me think of anything positive....it's a really odd word to use for a frame name. Instead you could think as to what the frames intention is (even "intention" would be a better name), who tested it and where? You could chose words that give a sense of how stiff or strong it was, words that describe success and being at the top. It's up to you though, your frames do seem to be some of the best out there, it seems a shame to then give up the quality when it comes to naming them. You might not think it's a problem but if half most of the replies you get on these forums are complaining about the name perhaps it's something worth doing something about?
  13. All or nothing implies he would either clean or get a 5, he didn't go all out and so took one dab. I think that's what he's getting at.
  14. I run two spacers on the drive side bb cup and one on the other and as above a spacer on the axle. I had tall teeth on my chainring which I had to grind 1-2mm off to clear, thats a possible option instead of grinding the chainring tabs themselves.
  15. I think I'd rather see one really slow styled flip over that jump than a rushed messy quad flip....just me though.
  16. yep, liquid chalk is awesome! Does mean carrying a bag though. If I don't have chalk and it's dry out (usually is if I'm getting sweaty hands) then I'll just find some dust and rub my hands in that instead.
  17. Ali C

    TGS vs Comp Geo

    the biggest factor is the durability between the two frame types. TGS riders seem pretty comfortable on high bb frames but just the strength seems to be the issue. Everyone seems obsessed with weight and will use parts not suitable either because there's no other option or because they have their priorities wrong. Frames used to be around the 2kg mark, now people complain if a frame is over 1.5kg and then complain when the lighter frame breaks, obviously some people want heavier frames but because people just bought lighter frames manufacturers couldn't sell the heavier ones.....I'd like to see a resurgence of more durable frames, either just designed and tested properly or just made heavier to be sure.
  18. There were a few odd cuts in the editing, either a company that don't know how to film bikes or some lines that weren't pulled but edited to make it look like it was (front flip for example). There were some legit good lines and some scary ones, his style is a bit Euro though. Overall the video screamed corporate....riding that bike can't be as fun as a dedicated bike so I feel he's riding it purely for the money....some might call him a sell out but then again people who ride demos could be called that too......making money from riding bikes is still pretty cool. Just a shame road bikes have been done now.....it's maybe time to draw a line under it all?
  19. I'd like to see cranks come with an integrated bash guard, one that flows in nicely and protects both sides just enough. Most trials parts seem pretty disposable so it's not the end of the world if it gets destroyed, but if it's designed right it should last anyway. Not sure how initiative a simple bash can be, maybe something with a rubber outer edge so it doesn't smash up walls? Would mean it's harder for observers to hear in comps (it's often easier to hear the bash hit than actually see it).
  20. I get quite annoyed if gory/upsetting stuff is shown on FB and I accidentally see it when scrolling. I don't want to see that stuff so personally I'm glad it's not available on mainstream sites.
  21. I agree with Adam that Koxx Bloxx pretty much changed brakes from average to what we have now. Maybe not trials specific but soft compound grippy tires changed my bike more dramatically than most other things I can think of.
  22. Best riding and creativity I've seen in a looooong time!!
  23. I couldn't sleep last night so I sneaked out and got an hours ride in at 2am this morning, that did the trick.
  24. there's no risk with Shimano rotors, after running them for years I'm quite happy to have my life depend on them. it's true the ice tech isn't beneficial to trials but they are slightly lighter, I'd still just use the standard non ice tech though personally. I also agree with Mark, if you're using a brake that has quite deep pads (Mono trials) then I'd get a rotor with a braking surface big enough for all the pad to hit otherwise the brakes not going to be getting it's full potential power.
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