I am a firm beleiver that vees are better than maggies. I have run maggies for7 years now, they generally seem to work fine, but they are far from perfect! I find I get a lot of arm pump using maggies (even with water) as the spring in the lever is too powerful and it takes a lot of effort to pull it and keep it pulled. Also braking performance is failry good, but I find they normally only work well in one direction. a vee can be set up with minimal spring tension, which is a great thing for me as it reduces arm pump. The pads dont wobble around like maggies do, so the brakes are quieter, pads last longer etc. You can use levers with leverage adjusters to get more power if your tired (like in a comp) cables are easier to get hold of than hoses and fittings. I also find vees have UBER power when the wheel is turning backwards, great for when your tyre is bearly on the edge of an object. of course vees arnt perfect though, they take a little more matanece than a maggie (lubing the cable or replacing it every now and then). I used my vee for a couple of weeks, but as I was using a 48mm echo rim the arms went really in a great position to give the most power. I put my maggie on and have ridden it for a couple of days, but I miss my vee already. I have an alex rim on now, so I am gonna try them again once my slik cables and avid lever come.